Sunday, January 31, 2016

Release Blitz: Same Difference by D.D. Lorenzo

small frame Release Blitz12387771_1690980031117786_2061029315_n small frame-synopsis Metamorphosis. An exquisite transformation. A necessary mechanism of evolution whereby the change is not only in appearance, but also behavior. My transformation possessed no beauty. Only pain. But just as the caterpillar morphs to a butterfly my strength is refined in the struggle, my flaws cocooned in the dark. If I survive the alteration my reward is to drink nectar and float on the breeze. Where I was once vulnerable, I will rise above. The same, but different. My name is Paige. I'm spreading my wings. 12524094_1703292603219862_6130202809894643482_n small frame-buy links AMAZON PRE-ORDER - 12301667_911090482319004_6544733853091720631_n small frame authorsmall frame-dd lorenzo 7176653 DD Lorenzo is a contemporary storyteller of love and suspense. She likes to think of her books as "Romance with a Twist"! DD resides in Maryland, The Land of Pleasant Living. She met the love of her life in high school and decided to look no further. Together, they have raised an eclectic and amazing family. When she isn't writing stories, she is rooting for the Baltimore Ravens or the Baltimore Orioles. Her favorite pastimes include spending time with the great people in her life and riding to the Eastern Shore of Maryland in her husband's classic Mustang. DD is currently working on books 5, "Beauty is a Bitch". Just an FYI - Book 1 is a cliffie that concludes in Book 2. Books 3, 4, and 5 are stand alone novels. That will complete the "Depth of Emotion" series. small frame-follow
You can find DD on FaceBook, Twitter, Goodreads and at
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Friday, January 29, 2016

Release Blitz: The Choices Trilogy Box Set by Dee Palmer

Title: The Choices Trilogy Box Set
Series: The Choices Trilogy 
Author: Dee Palmer
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: January 28, 2016


Never a Choice

The Choices Trilogy is an intense and fragile story. Bethany Thorne has secrets and she’s told a few lies but she’s hurt no-one. She just wants a better life, a life with choices but a chance encounter at her new University with disturbing stranger Daniel Stone makes her heart beat, her body tremble and rocks her very foundation. Her innate and newly discovered submissive nature is highlighted further by her extreme reaction to each encounter with Daniel Stone. Dark and dominant he evokes an instant heat and desire she has never felt before. But he is dangerous, he is powerful and he seems to see right through her. Choosing to try and stay under his radar proves to be the first choice to slip through her fingers.

Always a Choice

Dark and erotically demanding Daniel is everything and more, Bethany embraces the challenge of being with a man like Daniel whilst trying to come to terms with what he needs and what she can give him of herself. Is it ever going to be enough? Daniel consumes and possess every part of her, its intoxicating and seductive. Bethany needs to choose between being true to herself and the promises she made and being the type woman Daniel demands.

The Only Choice

Faced with a choice no-one should ever have to make Bethany’s devastation is complete. Secrets, lies and impossible choices have torn her world apart but it is not the first time she has had to rebuild her world. So she’ll do it again…because this time she has to.

When Bethany meets Daniel, she is backed into a corner and with the threat of losing even more she comes out fighting. Daniel quickly learns there is nothing quite as intoxicating as a woman with nothing left to lose and nothing quite as irresistible as his Bethany. But there are more games being played than either of them are truly aware and the winning prize is a coveted Happy Ever After.

Purchase Links

99c until January 30 only



My fingers are numb with cold as I press the lift button and the nerves aren’t helping as I rip the envelope open. The man at the concierge desk nearly fell over himself making sure I didn’t pass him without taking it. The envelope is blank. I know it holds my immediate instructions. Since it is not handwritten and I know Daniel is on his way to meet me, I blush to think the poor man at the desk has had to print this off. I suck in a sharp breath at the very short note.

You are mine Miss Thorne,
I want you Naked and Kneeling…Nervous?
You should be,

He is right about that. I stuff the note back in the envelope and slip it into my shoulder bag. Each time I have been here has resulted in the most intense erotic encounter, painful, exciting and emotionally exhausting. But each time has been an exception and had an ulterior motive, pain, truth… painful truth or punishment. I fumble with my key and mentally shake myself. This is us, this is Daniel and he is all about pleasure and since he first brought me here I have been wondering how long before ‘here’ becomes our normal not our exception.

The flat is quiet and I find myself tip toeing into the main living area, which is utterly ridiculous. I drop my bag in the entrance and make my way to the bedroom. I don’t know how long I have got until Daniel arrives but I do know he won’t be pleased if I haven’t obeyed his instruction. I push the door open and freeze. The room is warm with a hundred candles flickering, casting a sensual glow and softening the edges of the somewhat sinister apparatus hanging from the walls, the bench and the cross. He must be here. I can’t hear any movement but I do notice the ensuite door is shut. I quickly lose my coat and strip the rest of my many layers. The room maybe warm and my skin feels flushed but my body shivers with anticipation. The door starts to open and I dive to my knees and I know I should bow my head but I want to see him. I need to see him.

“Tsk tsk Miss Thorne…do we really need to go over the basics?” He strides toward me and locks his penetrating stare onto me. It takes a second before I look away but I only needed a second. His black jeans and fitted shirt skim his perfect body, a few buttons are open at the neck and he has rolled his sleeves up to the elbow like he means business. Dirty work maybe and by the wicked grin his soft lips are sporting he is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Lucky me. “Good girl…I don’t want to waste time covering old ground when there is so much more to explore.” His voice is level, deep but he swallows back a cough and I know he is, perhaps, not so calm after-all. He threads his hand into my hair, his fingers momentarily giving a heavenly massage before they flex and grip pulling my head back so sharply I cry out. He holds me firm as he draws closer. My eyes pinched shut with the first bite of pain but the desire that flashed through my body consumes me.

“Look at me.” I open my eyes and see nothing but pure fire and lust, it melts me. He grips a little tighter and I gasp. “Fuck…you like the pain… You know, I forget you like the pain. Do you like it as much as the pleasure Miss Thorne?” I try to shake my head but his grip is solid and I only inflict more pain on my tender scalp. He chuckles. “Oh really? Are you sure about that?” The intensity of the sexual tension is magnified by the anticipation in the long pause that follows the question.

“I…” My voice falters but not because I don’t know what to say but because I don’t know what my answer will mean for us when I tell him the truth. He raises a brow for me to continue. “I don’t know.” I don’t like the pain but I won’t deny it arouses me to heights I never new existed. My answer is a lie. I am a coward but this is his playground and as much as I trust him, I don’t quite trust myself.

“Hmmm…” His grip in my hair loosens. He draws his finger along my jaw and tips my chin high. “If you say so Miss Thorne.” He stands back and I feel a rush of cool air fill the space his heat created between us. “Stand.” He commands and I obey on shaky legs and with a building liquid core I can feel pool between my tightly gripped thighs. I am so turned on I know I am not going to last one minute. “You know you are so fucking beautiful it’s a crime to cover this body in anything other than me. My touch.” He steps closer and his fingers curl and stroke my cheek. His touch is light but sparks with charge at each delicate contact with my sensitive skin. He moves slowly from my jaw down the side of my neck. Putting the slightest pressure to make me tilt my head and give him open access to my neck. A deep groan rumbles in his chest but he keeps it there, his words are soft and intoxicating as they kiss my skin. He continues, “My kisses.” His lips feel like a brand sizzling my neck, soft, firm and possessive. I bite back a whimper but I can feel my body start to tremble. “My come.” He whispers and I am amazed I am still standing I feel so weak.

“Daniel please!” I plead, embarrassed I have little to no control over my body with this man, embarrassed but not surprised.

“Tsk Tsk Miss Thorne…one kiss and you’re begging already?”

Author Bio

Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won’t. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with ‘sing like no-one’s listening’ and I know my family actually wish they weren’t listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn’t stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fulfil a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience, I wrote The Choices Trilogy back to back and released them this year just one month apart...Don't you hate waiting for the next book in a series? The entire process has undoubtedly been made possible by my incredibly supportive family. I know this is very much an acknowledgment but I know I wouldn’t be writing even this single paragraph if it wasn’t for them so this is about who I am, I am because they let me be.

Author Links


Release Blitz: What the Sea Wants by Karin Cox

Title: What the Sea Wants
Author: Karin Cox
Publisher: Indelible Ink Press 
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
(Paranormal Elements)
 Release Date: January 29, 2016


When Ash Gordon lost his life, Juliette Brewer lost herself.
But when reality is as fickle as the tides, not all who are missing are lost.

“There’s something about me you need to know—something I’m not sure I can tell you.”

Juliette Brewer has always been different. From the age of four, she’s endured frequent premonitions of tragedy, but the one thing she never saw coming was the thing that would send her under. When she catches the ocean-coloured eyes of surf-lifesaving heartthrob Ash Gordon, Juliette’s life changes for the better … until a tragic accident destroys their dreams. Everyone else has given up, moved on, and put Ash's loss behind them, but Juliette can’t—and perhaps she shouldn’t. Not all who are missing are lost, but if she refuses to accept reality, will the sea claim her sanity as well as her lover’s life?

Purchase Links

99c for release day only



Moonlight made dark mirrors of his eyes as he stared at me. “For how long?” he asked, his voice dark and low, rasping.

I tossed my head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means for how long?” He sighed and rocked back, pointing to the heavens. “See all those stars up there, Juls?”

I followed his gaze up to where the Milky Way resembled a fat seam of smoke in the sky. “They’re magical.”

“They’re dead.” He corrected me. “At least some of them are. Light years ago. Now they’re nothing. Nothing but light.”

It was true, of course—sad but true—and all of a sudden I felt the night’s chill again.

“It doesn’t matter how much we love their shine, or how much we need their heat,” he went on. “One day they’ll all wink out. They’ll all be forgotten.” Ash’s large, square hand, rough with callouses from rubbing wax on his board, slid over mine. “Maybe our Sun will have stopped shining by then, too. Maybe it’ll be cold and we’ll all be gone and there’ll be no one left to remember them, no one left to remember us.” His expression was pensive, dark brows drawn. “But some things get remembered—that’s what I believe.”

Turning my hand palm up, he traced the constellation of whorls and grooves. Life-line, head-line, heart-line, mount of Venus, all the while watching the stars.

“Is that why you write songs,” I asked. “So you get remembered?”

He shook his head. “No. I write them to remember. Love gets remembered, that’s what I think.” His tone had grown warm again, his lips gentle as he bent to kiss each of my fingertips.

Author Bio

KARIN COX is an Australian author who writes in her “spare time” while being a fulltime mum to a precocious daughter and a black cat with the improbable name of "Ping Pong." She is the author of more than 50 trade-published titles, including children’s and adult fiction, biographies and travel guides, and Australian natural and social history texts, several of which are award-winning. Being so busy hopping from one genre to another, she runs almost wholly on white wine and insomnia, which could account for the cray-cray, but probably doesn’t.

Her poems and short stories have been published in anthologies worldwide, and her novels and anthologies GROWTH, CAGE LIFE, CROWS AND OTHER BEASTS, CRUXIM, CRECHE, CREED, DARK GUARDIANS and WHAT THE SEA WANTS are available from all good online distributors and bookstores. Titles in Karin’s bestselling DARK GUARDIANS trilogy have several times topped best-seller charts for gothic romance and dark fantasy.

Author Links


Blog Tour & Review: Reign by M.N. Forgy

One bad biker. One gorgeous sheriff.
One intense biker romance.


Barnes & Noble:


As the president of the Sin City Outlaw Motorcycle Club, l fuck as hard as I ride and rarely go to bed alone.
The women are fast and the violence is intense.
I excel in both.
People either respect me or fear me. I'm not arrogant. It’s just the truth.
I was a king, reigning over Vegas without complication, until one gorgeous sheriff made everything fall apart.
When I saw her, I became a Neanderthal, wanting nothing more than to be between those legs.
I guess that’s where I went wrong, because my reality was shot to hell real
fucking fast.
One kiss caused her to step over that blue line.
One night in her bed made me a traitor.

And now… we’re both screwed.

“Really? You got me donuts?” I arch a brow, dropping the lid.
He turns, a mischievous smile fitting his face.
“Don’t all cops like donuts?” he jeers. I roll my eyes, placing my hand on my hip.
“That’s so stereotypical,” I huff.
“Oh, really?” he replies, grabbing the box off the table, a smug smile still on his face.
“I’ll get rid of them then.”
“No, wait!” I nearly trip over my feet trying to grab the box of donuts. He holds them higher than me and smiles so big I think I see two dimples. Really, he’s pulling the notorious bully move holding them just above my reach? Why am I attracted to him again?
“I thought you didn’t like them,” he taunts.
“I do like them. A lot, actually.” I cross my arms, my cheeks flushing. My dad used to always take me to the local bakery to get donuts on the weekends. I would get whatever I wanted—usually anything with sprinkles—and we would drop the rest off at the department. What can I say, embrace your stereotypes.
“So, it’s true. Cops love donuts,” he states arrogantly, sitting the box back down.

My Review:

Let it be said that I was super pumped for this story before it came out. All the promo, teasers, and little bits of info just hooked me. So of course I jumped at the opportunity to read this one.

Reign is a spin-off of Forgy's better known Devil's Dust series MC series, but its not just your typical average MC book.

When we start the book, we find Zeek in a bad situation, in trying to take care of his club, his family, he has to make a decision and face facts he doesn't really want to face. Zeek has to decide where his loyalties lie, what he will and won't do for his club, and also ultimately who he can trust.

Jillian couldn't be more different from Zeek, He's an outlaw, she's in law enforcement. She's a good girl, firm in her beliefs and trusting the law, he's a bad boy who could care less about following the rules or laws. But when these two meet there's an explosion of chemistry and though they try their hardest to ignore it or push it away, they can't do it.

Reign is filled with action, and just enough suspense to keep you enthralled trying to work it all out for yourself as the characters also discover things. But in addition to that thrilling nature of the book, there's also an overpowering wealth of emotions as well. I loved the blend of the hard edge nature of the motorcycle club blending with the sweet nature of Jillian. This book is forbidden romance at its most unusual. But you are sucked right into the mess and left wanting more and hoping for the best.

This book will suck you in on all the levels, from wondering what's going to happen within the club, to guessing how long it takes before these two combust, and once they do how can they make it work.

M.N. Forgy has written yet another motorcycle world that is full of characters and a story that will hold your attention and keep you reading. I can't wait for more from this series.

About the Author

M.N. Forgy was raised in Missouri where she still lives with her family. She's a soccer mom by day and a saucy writer by night. M.N. Forgy started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story. So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.

Stalk Her:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

$25 Amazon Gift Card & Swag Pack (1 Winner)

Release Blast: Destroyed by the Bad Boy by Madison Collins

Destroyed by the Bad Boy
By: Madison Collins
Releasing January 29, 2016

This book contains two complete erotic romance novellas with no cliffhangers.

Stranded ...
On the way to our parents wedding in the mountains, the mother of all snow storms attacks, leaving me stranded in a remote cabin with my new stepbrother.
My hot as hell, I-need-to-change-my-panties because-they’re-soaked, cocky asshole of a stepbrother, Bentley McAllister.

The kicker of it all?
The only items he's packed are liquor and condoms, and he’s looking at me like he wants to put both to good use.

My name is Sierra, and my libido can only take so much.

Send help!

Caged ...
Two brothers...
One girl...

Rising stars in the cage fighting circuit, Cage and Tripp Garrett are as close as two brothers can be. Fiercely competitive and smoldering with intensity, neither has ever lost a fight. Until they face their toughest opponent yet: Lily.

They both want her. But neither can have her. Lily is as off-limits as they come. They make a pact that the tough-as-nails daughter of their trainer will never come between them.
Until one of them begins to fall in love. Then all is fair in love and war.

Caged is a sexy, fast-paced love story with a punch.
Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content.

Buy Links:  Amazon

Teaser (Stranded with my Stepbrother)
“Listen, princess.” I lift her chin toward mine, meeting this gorgeous big blue eyes.  “I’m not sure if you noticed, but we’re stranded together in the middle of fucking nowhere, with only each other to count on.  You can fight me all you want, but there’s one thing you need to understand.  I’m going to protect you.  I’m going to take care of you.  And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m six-foot-four, and probably have a hundred pounds on you.  My body is going to produce a lot more heat than yours.  Now calm the fuck down, and let me get you warm.  Got it, sweetheart?”  Her fighting stops immediately.
She nods, coyly, blinking those baby blues at me, all of her anger disappearing.  “Got it.” Her voice is small, and I suddenly feel like a dick.
“Good. Glad we’re on the same page.” I tug her body closer so we’re pressed tightly together, and I hold her to my chest, wrapping her in my arms. A contented little sigh escapes her lips. The top of her head doesn’t even reach my chin. She packs a lot of sass for such a small thing.  I inhale, and breathe in the scent of her shampoo. The smell of vanilla and lavender fill my nose.  Damn, who knew that combination could be so perfect?  It’s intoxicating and I can feel my body slowly start to react to the smell and the images my mind starts to produce.  The way her slight curves mold to my body serves to warm me up pretty damn quick.

After several moments, we’re both warmer. “There.  Is that better?” I ask, releasing my hold on her before I sport an awkward boner. A few deep breaths are in order; otherwise things are going to get real weird, real fast.

Author Info

Madison Collins is the author of romantic short stories such as Caged, Stranded with My Stepbrother and the upcoming Monster Prick. She enjoys the occasional stiff cocktail, and watching romantic comedies. Most days you can find her curled up with a good book. She currently resides in New Jersey.
Author Link : GoodReads