Friday, November 30, 2018

Cover Reveal: The Dating Alternative by Jennifer Woodhull

Today we have the cover reveal of THE DATING ALTERNATIVE by Jennifer Woodhull! Check it out and grab your copy now!


Author: Jennifer Woodhull

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Release Date: December 27th

About The Dating Alternative:

Max has crushed on Brie for as long as he's known her but the timing was never right. When he finds out they're finally single at the same time, he's poised to move from friend zone to serious dating... until he finds out she's only looking for something physical. He offers his services in hopes she'll come around. Just when things are starting to go his way, a shocking turn of events snatches her from his grasp. Now he has to resurrect the life he thought he'd left behind to help the woman he's falling in love with before it's too late.

Pre-order Today:

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Exclusive Excerpt:

As I lay on the bed, wearing my ex-fiancé’s t-shirt and remembering the night he left me six months ago, I realize that tears are slipping silently down my cheeks. I’ve done reasonably well, too. The first week, I was catatonic. The first month, I was practically a zombie. In those days, even showering on my day off had been a challenge. Within a couple of months, though, I was doing better. By the ninety-day mark, I could be mistaken for someone who hadn’t been virtually left at the altar. Now, lying on the bed six months after Grant had thrown away our life together, I was almost indiscernible from a normal girl. Looking at me most days, you would never know that my life had been ripped apart by an exotic Olympian named Isabel and my former fiancé, Grant. I sit up, realizing how far I’d come since that night. I put the back of my hand up to one cheek, then the other. No more. That asshole doesn’t get another single tear from me. Control-G-Delete.

About the Author:

We all need moments of escape. With all the demands on us day in and day out, we each need something just for ourselves. Perhaps nothing provides a private moment - a brief respite from every day - like escaping into a great story. When you pick up one of my books I hope you find that place that you can escape to. Explore the streets of Paris with new heroines or fly around the world to reclaim your lost love with a favorite hero. Whether it's the romance that takes your breath away or those climactic encounters that make your pulse race, I hope you find that solitary moment of enjoyment while lost in one of my stories.

Connect with Jennifer:

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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Cover Reveal: Like the Wind by J. Bengtson

We are thrilled to be sharing with you the cover for LIKE THE WIND by J. Bengtsson, a new Audible Original romance coming January 2019. Be sure to pre-order your copy exclusively from Audible today!



Prepare to laugh, cry, and fall in love with this enthralling new romance from J. Bengtsson - available in audio first! When a letter from his supposedly deceased mother finds its way into his hands, life changes in an instant for international pop star Bodhi Beckett. Reeling from the deception of those closest to him, Bodhi spirals out of control and is sent to a secluded mansion in the coastal mountains of Southern California for some rest and relaxation. But the retreat proves to be anything but relaxing when a raging wildfire sets the landscape around him ablaze.
While escaping the flames, Bodhi rescues Breeze, a quirky, pet-loving woman, and together the two fight their way to safety. In the aftermath of the fire, Bodhi and Breeze hit the road to uncover the truth about his family. What neither of them expected is to forge a powerful connection that will change their lives forever...but can it survive the real world, or will it disappear like the wind?

Pre-order LIKE THE WIND exclusively from Audible!



A professional stay-at-home-mom for twenty-one years, Jill started her writing career in 2016 after reading a really bad rockstar romance. Although she had no previous writing experience and no desire to become an author, Jill was convinced she could write a better story. And so began Cake: A Love Story. She wrote the novel for fun and added every single thing she’d ever wanted to read in a romance. Embarrassed by her newfound hobby, Jill kept her writing a secret from her family. When the story was complete, she turned to Amazon to get the feedback she desired. Not thinking the book would ever sell, Jill planned to pull Cake off Amazon once it got a review or two but that never happened because, within a week of its release, Cake began to soar up the bestseller charts. Not only was Jill shocked by Cake’s success but now she had a whole new burgeoning career on her hands…and some explaining to do. Needless to say, the news of Jill’s secret book bay came as a complete shock to her husband and three children. Jill is now a full-time writer. Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter  

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blog Tour: Driven to Distraction by Lori Foster


From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lori Foster comes DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION, the first in Lori’s sizzling new Road to Love series! Check out the scintillating excerpt below and grab your copy today!



When desire gets this hot, you’d better buckle up…

Mary Daniels doesn’t let anything get in the way of her job acquiring rare artifacts for her wealthy boss. But this particular obstacle—huge, hard-muscled, unashamedly masculine—is impossible to ignore. Stuck in a cramped car with Brodie Crewsfor hours en route to their new assignment, Mary feels her carefully crafted persona—and her trademark self-control—is slipping, and she won’t allow it.

Brodie can’t imagine what secret in Mary’s past has left her so buttoned-up, though he’d dearly love to find out. Maybe then she’d trust him enough to explore their explosive chemistry. But he needs this job, so he’ll play by her rules and bide his time…until an enemy determined to outwit them strikes and he needs to get close—in every way—to protect her. Otherwise they could lose much more than a precious collectible. They could lose it all.



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For about an hour, Brodie was somewhat pleasant, causing Mary to change her initial assessment of him. He’d shared his coffee with her until they’d finished off the entire thermos. As they did so, they’d spoken amicably about a retainer agreement, with him accepting the requirements without complaint. Overall he’d acted like a relaxed, competent, albeit rough-edged man.
So she decided to give him a second chance.
After all, having a hangover could have thrown off anyone. Plus she’d obviously caught him by surprise with her visit.
And granted, with the heat of the day and the embarrassing way she’d reacted to him, part of their adversarial byplay yesterday was her fault.
They passed another exit, and Mary squirmed. She glanced at Brodie’s profile, wondering if she should ask him to stop.
Smug satisfaction curved his mouth into a smile.
Oh, it was small. Barely there, even. But she saw that little curl to his sensuous lips, the crinkle at the corner of his lushly-lashed eyes.
That’s when she started to wonder just how wicked he might be.
She’d made the early trip to his office—which had been closed. Then after sharing his coffee—the whole blasted thermos, most of which she’d drunk—he’d asked her to get them each a bottle of water from the cooler. Unsuspecting at the time, she’d politely accepted, and though he’d only taken a few drinks of his, she’d finished off her bottle.
Now they’d been on the road for a little over two hours, two and a half for her, and he showed no signs of stopping.
She was deeply regretting her beverage choices.
How difficult would it have been for him to unlock the office? And why, after their initial confrontation yesterday, had he gone out of his way to share with her this morning?
As they were passing yet another exit, he pointed out—with a twinkle in his dark eyes—that they were right on schedule, making great time…unless she needed a pit stop?
The man was diabolical.
Well, if he thought she’d cry uncle, he’d be sadly mistaken. Pressing her lips together, she vowed that he’d give out before she would.
He turned on some music. “Feel free to nap.”
Impossible. She crossed her legs and glanced at Howler. The big dog slumped sideways, his head drooped against the window where he’d started out watching the passing scenery but had since fallen asleep and begun snoring. All hope that the dog might need a pit stop died.
“Don’t worry about Howler,” Brodie said, as if he’d read her mind. “He sleeps more than he does anything else. Usually only f-o-o-d can rouse him.”
The dog cracked open an eye, making her smile despite her need for a bathroom break. “I think he can spell.”
“He catches on quick,” Brodie agreed.
After a long sigh that sounded amazingly like disappointment, Howler’s eye sank shut again and his snores returned.



Driven to Distraction kicks off Foster's latest series and as with every new series I fell in love with the new world unfolding within the pages.  

One of my favorite parts of this story was the main characters, Brodie sucked me in from the start and I really wanted to get to know more about him and I loved that Mary wasn't your typical heroine because that made the story all the more interesting for me.  The chemistry between these two was powerful and I couldn't wait for them to act on it and realize what could be between them.  The addition of the suspense angle had me excited to see what came next. 

As with most of her series books, we got glimpses into the characters we might see in future books and got to know their surroundings as well.  Lori Foster has always been great at bringing together romantic entanglements that are enticing and sexy while leading readers on a fun journey with bits of action, suspense, and piecing things together - this new series is sure to be full of much more of the same with it's own special twists. 

Lori Foster’s DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
November 19th
November 20th
All about reading – Review & Excerpt
Kick Back & Review – Review & Excerpt
Onceupon_a_bookdream – Review & Excerpt
November 21st
Booknerd1107 – Review & Excerpt
MI Bookshelf – Review
Sweet Red Reads – Excerpt
November 22nd
East Coast Book Chicks – Review & Excerpt
Living In Our Own Story – Review & Excerpt
The Reading Cafe – Review & Excerpt
November 23rd
Book Addict – Review
Kat's Books N Brews – Review & Excerpt
November 24th
November 25th
Catty Jane Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
Literary misfit – Review & Excerpt
Me Love Some Books – Excerpt
November 26th
Feel the Book – Excerpt
Renee Entress's Blog – Review & Excerpt
November 27th
Romance Reviews and More – Review & Excerpt
November 28th
OMGReads – Review & Excerpt
The Smut-Brarians – Review
November 29th
Sofia Loves Books – Review & Excerpt
We Do What We Want Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
November 30th
Books 2 Blog – Review & Excerpt
Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm – Review & Excerpt
Romance Addict Book Blog –Review & Excerpt
Shannon’s Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
December 1st
Crystal's Book World – Review & Excerpt
Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt
Read Review Repeat – Review & Excerpt
December 2nd
Marta Likes to Read – Excerpt
  About Lori Foster: Since first publishing in January 1996, Lori Foster has become a USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly and New York Times bestselling author. Lori has published through a variety of houses, including Kensington, St. Martin’s, Harlequin, Silhouette, Samhain, and Berkley/Jove. She is currently published with HQN. Visit her online at        

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Friday, November 23, 2018

Blog Tour: Breathless by Cherrie Lynn

Seth and Macy Warren haven’t been married long, but they have their eyes on the future. Macy is excited to start a family, while Seth debates the pros and cons of giving up their spontaneity for the potential perils of parenthood. But Macy thinks she can convince him…
When he gets a chance to relive some of his past glory days by rejoining his former band onstage, though, he jumps at it. Still, she thinks she can turn the trip to his gig into some baby-making fun. Until she comes face-to-face with a part of Seth’s past that she’d hoped to never deal with again.
Macy knows she shouldn’t have her doubts. But she also knows that when you have everything, you have everything to lose.

About the Book

by Cherrie Lynn
The Ross Siblings Series
Contemporary Romance
Entangled Amara
Publication Date
October 29, 2018
Purchase Your Copy Today!
Amazon  |  Entangled Publishing  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo  |  iBooks


 Chapter One

Seth “Ghost” Warren wiped his oil-smudged hands on a well-used rag, frowning into the depths of his 1969 GTO’s engine. That should do it. She’d been running hot lately, but he thought he had it pegged to an airflow problem. At least that was what he hoped, since he wasn’t too keen on sinking more money into her right now. Frigging thing had been a drain on his finances ever since he’d bought her, but like any good addict, he couldn’t stop—at least not when the alternative was selling her. They’d been through too much together.

Thunder rumbled overhead, signaling an afternoon spring thunderstorm and the end of his patience. Sighing, he dropped the hood and gathered his tools, heading toward the garage just as the first fat drops of April rain began to slap the pavement. He could’ve worked on her under the roof of the garage, but he didn’t like the closed-in feel, preferring to tinker with her in the driveway. Until ten minutes ago, it had been too nice of a day to be inside—but that was Texas weather for you.

Just as he putting his tools away, the bottom really fell out—a sudden deluge of rain that he was damn glad he’d escaped. It was so loud he almost missed his ringing cell phone on the workbench, but at the last minute he noticed the lit-up display. Unfamiliar number. Ordinarily he didn’t answer those, but it was local, so he relented. Could be a client with a new number, and he never wanted to miss out on work at the tattoo shop.

“Yeap,” he drawled, his usual greeting that was lost somewhere between “yeah” and “yep.”

“Hey dude. Long time no see.”

Ghost’s spine shot ramrod straight. What. The. Hell. “I don’t see you now, motherfucker.”

“And you haven’t changed any.” Mark laughed, asshole that he was. Ever since Ghost had quit his position as lead guitarist of In the Slaughter, the band Mark fronted, there had been absolutely no reason to talk to the slimy little bastard. He’d deleted all evidence of him from his phone, and his life, and had been happier for it. Mark’s little brother had filled Ghost’s shoes in the band, which was exactly what Mark had always wanted. Everyone’s problems solved. So there.

“Have you?”


“Well. That’s a problem.”

“What’s that noise? Is it raining?”

“What am I, the fucking weatherman? Look out your window.” He slammed a cabinet shut and glanced around. Nothing was left out that Macy might ride his ass over later. His wife was a damn neat freak, even though he’d clearly specified the garage was his domain. That didn’t seem to matter to her, though. “And is there some reason you’re on my phone right now?”

“I can’t call up an old friend?”

“You never called when we were friends, unless you wanted something.”

Oh. Yeah, that should have occurred to him right from the start. But the only thing more interesting than fucking with Mark was finding out what Mark could possibly want.

“Okay, so you caught me. But I’ve got a proposition for you. Just hear me out, all right?”

“Before you even waste your breath, you know I’m walking the straight and narrow now, right? So carefully consider just how fast I’m going to tell you to fuck off before you even ask whatever it is you’re going to ask.”

“I heard you got married. My invitation must’ve gotten lost in the mail.”

“Yeah, your invitation that I never sent must’ve gotten lost in the mail. That’s it.”

“Look, short and sweet,” Mark began, obviously getting tired of the verbal sparring he never won, “we wanted to ask if you’d like to come back for a gig with us.”

Ghost nearly laughed, wondering how many times the other guys had counseled Mark to ask as nicely as possible. Indeed, it wasn’t like him. And in the split second before Ghost’s phone had rung, if someone had asked him his thoughts about rejoining In the Slaughter for any length of time, he probably would have punched them in the face for their insolence.

But with a real offer on the table…

“I don’t know, man.” Macy’s SUV pulled into their driveway, headlights on, windshield wipers beating furiously against the gray curtain of rain. “Hang on a second.” She crept past the GTO and eased into the garage. Ghost didn’t necessarily want her to hear the conversation he was having right now, so he put the phone down and helped her carry her bags into the house before hurrying back out and snatching it up again. “All right. You’ve got my attention. Tell me more.”

“Drew broke his hand in an ATV accident. He’s out for a while, but we have a show in Austin in three weeks. I know it’s been a while for you. Would that be enough time to practice? It would all be familiar stuff.”

“How’s Gus been doing?” he asked, referring to the other guitarist and pretty much the only guy in the band Ghost gave much of a shit about.

“Well, you know. He’s Gus.”

Yeah, that was about what he’d expected. While he’d been in the band, he’d adopted a big-brother approach with Gus, but in the end he’d had to wash his hands of the whole thing. Too many co-dependent woman problems, too much substance abuse. You couldn’t help a guy who didn’t want to help himself.

Besides all of that…Ghost had bad fucking memories of the last Austin gig he’d been a part of. Between Mark and Raina scheming behind his back, and Raina damn near tricking him into fucking her when he was almost passed out, he’d nearly lost Macy. He’d watched the best thing that had ever happened to him walk away, in large part thanks to the guy on the phone who never listened to a fucking word Ghost ever said. Did he really want to get involved with that old crowd again?

“Is it at Crossbones?”

“Yeah. The usual.”

“You’re gonna have to let me sleep on it, man. But I gotta tell you, it’s probably gonna be a no.”

For the first time, a hint of desperation began to creep into Mark’s voice. “If there’s anything I can do, any promises I can make, anything—say the word. I’m sorry for all the shit that went down between us. It was a bad deal. I know that. And…it goes without saying that Raina will not be there.”

No, it really didn’t. Macy might have sent her running once, but his ex-girlfriend showed up wherever she damn well pleased, and if she caught wind of In the Slaughter playing in Austin with Ghost on the axe, she would be there. Oh, would she ever fucking be there. Not that she was even a blip on his radar of shit that mattered, he just preferred not to be the target of any flying beer bottles from the audience.

“Pardon me for saying that coming at me with all this shit now rings a little hollow, you know?”

“I know it must seem that way. But we need you, man. And if it’s a chance to repair some shit and have a great time, it’s all for the good, right?”

Sure. What could go wrong. He was being completely sarcastic, even in his head. “I’ll call you back in a day or so.” Jesus, did he even dare bring this up to Macy? He would have to, of course, but he fully expected that would be the final nail in the coffin of the whole idea. Macy didn’t have fond memories of that night, either.

Yeah, he thought as he hung up. Macy would shoot this down. But damn, the thrill. Even now, he felt it awakening in his veins. No matter how much time had passed, he remembered how it felt to be up there playing on a stage. In the Slaughter had only been small-time, mostly a cover band, but he’d loved it until all the bullshit drama began to erode the friendship he’d had with his former bandmates. All of it had come to a head, and he’d bailed on the band when he and Macy were getting together, but what would one gig hurt?

Just one. Maybe she would understand.

Macy Warren glanced down at the little plastic stick on the counter, then tore her gaze away and fixed it resolutely on her reflection. Two minutes, the instructions had said. So she would give it two minutes before she looked, before she really really looked. She set the timer on her phone.

Had that briefest of peeks showed her the tiniest hint of a plus sign forming, though? Could it be?

Bouncing on her toes, she snatched her gaze higher, to the ceiling of their master bathroom. Come on, come on. She hadn’t told Seth about her suspicions. She didn’t even know if she should be having suspicions yet. Two days late, hell, that was pretty much the norm for her. It had been a few months since they’d thrown caution to the wind and foregone all forms of birth control, and though they weren’t necessarily trying to conceive…they damn sure engaged in the act enough to make something happen.

And oh, how she wanted something to happen.

Hands laced together in front of her mouth, she turned from the vanity and paced a circle, the plush bathroom rug under her bare feet pushing between her toes. What would Seth say if it had happened? Holy shit. She was going to explode. She had to look.

No! Don’t look yet.

Macy glanced at her phone. It had been one minute and forty-two seconds since she started the timer. God, she was going to die.

Just look! The result will be showing by now!

Wouldn’t it? Damn, she’d never taken one of these things before.

Oh, to hell with it.

She whirled around, snatched up the stick, and looked.


Shoulders drooping, she put it back down on the counter and thought about giving it a couple more minutes, but there was no reason to prolong the agony. The control line was evident, so she had her results. Locking gazes with her reflection again, she thought her eyes looked a little sadder.

Well…there were two tests in the box, and maybe she would take the other in the morning. That was the recommendation, anyway—take it in the morning. Maybe it was too early to detect. Or maybe she would accept defeat and save the other test until next month.

Sighing, she cleaned up and stuffed the evidence deep in the trash, wondering if she should talk to Seth about it. She hadn’t actually let on to him how badly she’d wanted that test to be positive just now. The test he didn’t even know she’d taken. The sole reason she’d run to the store a half-hour ago, actually, was to pick one up, though she’d given him an excuse about needing coffee creamer.

Oh well, it would happen soon. Right? Maybe next month. Or even the one after. Her mother kept telling her to enjoy their alone time while they had it, and it was true they had only been married for six months. Still, so much excitement fluttered in Macy’s belly when she even thought about becoming pregnant. Getting to occasionally babysit her best friend Candace’s little boy wasn’t helping matters—Lyric was so sweet and adorable. Every time Candace and Brian even mentioned tentative date plans, Macy was quick to offer her services.

Not to mention that watching her bald, inked, pierced, badass husband playing with a one-year old made her want to jump his bones on the spot. Of course, she couldn’t, with the kid being present and all. That might indeed be a problem once they had their own—no spontaneous sex in the kitchen. Or the laundry room. Or, hell, the front entryway.

Well, back to reality. She left the bathroom and went in search of him, remembering now that he’d been on the phone when she’d first pulled in. Abuzz with excitement over taking her very first pregnancy test ever, she hadn’t even stopped to wonder who he was talking to and why he’d put them on hold to help her. She located him in the kitchen now, shirtless and throwing together a sandwich.

“Did you get the car fixed before it started raining?” she asked, walking over and standing on her tiptoes to kiss him, though he tried to duck her, the silly boy.

“Don’t get too close. I probably need a shower.” Like she cared. He smelled like oil and the faintest hint of the sweat that sheened his heavily inked skin, and she practically felt her ovaries growl. Oh God, yes, she wanted this man’s baby. “But yeah, I hope so. Else it’s gonna know hot when I set the fuckin’ thing on fire.”

“You are so not going to do that.” She stole a slice of turkey breast off his sandwich and popped it into her mouth. He chuckled and replaced it with another one. “I have faith in you.”

“I’m glad someone does.” He slapped bread on top of his sandwich and took a bite while she thought about the struggle she’d endured only moments ago. It wasn’t fair to leave him out of that. But if his disappointment turned out to be as acute as hers, then yeah, she wanted to spare him from it. She simply didn’t know.

“Are you okay?” he asked suddenly, and she jerked her eyes up to find his dark, assessing ones steady on her face.

“Yeah,” she said brightly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You want me to sell her, don’t you?”

Startled, she frowned at him and shook her head. “Babe, that’s completely up to you.”

“But I’m asking you.”

“You love that car.”

“I do. And I love you.”

“Well…” Macy struggled for words for a minute. The conversation had come up a handful of times before with no real resolution, and she found her feelings were mixed. On one hand, financially, it would be a burden off them. On the other… “That car is you.” He chuckled and regarded her thoughtfully for a moment. “I just mean that you would be devastated if you got rid of her.”

“Yeah,” he grunted. “I would be. But your dad’s friend offered a pretty decent chunk of change to take her off my hands. I’ve been thinking about it.”

She wasn’t quite sure how to put into words what she was feeling about that. Hell, maybe she was being too sentimental. But that car was such an integral part of them as a couple that she couldn’t imagine letting it go, either. They’d talked about so much, laughed about so much in the front seat…not to mention all the naughty things that had happened in the backseat. Their first time together. Their second time together. She would never, could never forget those nights.

“That car is us,” she said at last. Broken, beaten parts that had been lovingly restored. Shiny, powerful, made new again.

Sometimes, Seth’s usual sardonic expression melted especially for her. She always loved those moments, when she could plainly see the adoration he had for her burning away everything else. “Baby, we’re us. I don’t need a car to remind me of that.”

“I know,” she said softly, butterflies fluttering up from her belly at the way he looked at her. “I don’t either. I’m being silly, I guess. It’s just sad to think about.”

“Then we don’t have to think about it right now.”

She smiled and turned to go to the Keurig, putting an extra sway in her hips as she went, feeling his stare on her as she prepared her afternoon caffeine jolt. If she knew him—and she did—she wouldn’t get around to drinking it.

It was a little game they played, where she liked to go on about her business as if he wasn’t getting hard in his jeans just looking at her. They each liked to see how long the other could hold out before they ended up fucking on the spot. But he wasn’t in the mood to play it, especially when she so casually began asking him about, of all things, dinner plans. “We could do Italian, we haven’t done that in a while. Or we could grill some burgers. Ooh! How about—” She turned and looked up at him with those bright hazel eyes alight, and it was his undoing. The breath rushed out of her as he caught her face in his hands and kissed her.

This, this was his favorite part of domesticity: her gorgeous body within reach at all times. The reassurance of her slender arms around him, the solidity, because sometimes he couldn’t believe she was real and she wanted him.

But God, how she did. She grasped the back of his head, kissing him back as fiercely as he kissed her, each of them trying to assert their dominance, her tongue dancing into his mouth.

Letting the tips of his fingers slide around the backs of her thighs, he teased just under the hem of her shorts, eliciting a shivery groan from her. Her mouth fell open in bliss, and he took the opportunity to nibble her bottom lip, suck it gently, show her just what he would happily do to her nipples and her clit once he got her clothes off. She clung desperately, her nails biting his flesh.

On second thought, maybe he would leave her clothes on. God, he loved fucking her with her clothes on. He loved when she made it hard for him…in more ways than one.

“I love you,” she murmured against his lips.

“Love you, too.” Ever since the first time she’d dragged those words from his mouth, from his heart, he couldn’t stop telling her.

“But you’re trying to change the subject with sex.”

“Yeah?” he growled, taking another taste of her. “How am I doing?”

“Hmm. Food debate, or sex…however shall I choose?”

“I’ll choose for you.” Each word was punctuated with a heavenly mouthful of her. Her hair slid like silk around his fingers as he stroked up her back. She still trembled for him after all this time, and he still burned for her. He always would. This woman held all the power in the world to destroy him, and like an idiot he’d willingly given it to her—but even if someday she used it, he’d have no regrets.

Her legs wrapped easily around his waist as he lifted her. They were old pros with each other’s bodies by now, yet nothing was old. Every breath, every quiver, every touch…it all felt brand new and all the more devastating for their shared prowess. Equally as hot and fierce or loving and tender whether they were in their bed or the shower or he had her bent over the kitchen island.

Macy’s hands busily collected the feel of him, restlessly roaming over his bare shoulders, back, and arms, as if she couldn’t get enough. Even through their clothes, the heat of her pressed against his erection, rubbing deliciously, inciting him to madness. The only question was how he wanted to make her his today.

He had an idea.

“What are you doing?” she asked as he headed back toward the utility room…and the door leading to the garage.

“You’ll see.”

She did soon enough. Shrieking as he carried her out through the open garage door and the pouring rain hit their steaming skin like needlepoints, she clung harder, burying her face in his neck as he laughed. They had neighbors on all sides, but oh well, if they were nosy enough to watch them through their windows then they deserved whatever show they got. That had always been his philosophy, anyway.

“Are you kidding me?” she cried as he carried her to the GTO parked in the driveway. He had to release one of her delectable ass cheeks to open the passenger door, but managed to hang on to her. “It’s chilly out here!”

“I’ll warm you up.”

“It’s broad daylight!”

“It’s pouring rain. Get in.”

God, he loved it when the words that came from her lips were unsure, but the fire in her eyes said only Do it, do it. Oh God, do it now.

He’d seen the memories in her eyes earlier. Yeah, their inception had been here. This was where it all began: in his cramped backseat, struggling for the space to move together, so desperate for each other the discomfort hadn’t mattered because the pleasure eclipsed it. And while they hadn’t rocked the shocks back here since Valentine’s Day a couple of years back, he bet nothing had changed.

Her breath hissed in as her bare legs touched the chilly upholstery. He closed the door behind him. Macy’s gaze devoured the movement of his hands as he wrenched his jeans open, her chest heaving. Then those hot hazel eyes flickered up to his, and he was lost. There was only time for him to yank the soft panels of fabric between her legs aside with one fist and give her slit a teasing, readying stroke with the head of his cock, knowing he could hurt her by shoving past her initial resistance before she was ready.

But fuck, she was ready as always, wet and slick. She took him halfway with her head thrown back, her damp hair clutched in his other fist, her thighs shaking hard around his hips, before he pulled back and sank home with a groan.

Home. It wasn’t just an expression. It was where he belonged, it was the place he’d spent his entire fucking life trying to find. He had it now. With her, he had it at last.

“Seth,” she whimpered helplessly against his neck. Her use of his real name only fired him up more. At first, she’d only called him by his given name; now she rarely did. In public, around their friends, he was Ghost—it was only here, when it was the two of them in their little cocoon against the world, that she called him Seth, and he lived for hearing the syllable roll in sultry seduction off her tongue.

“So beautiful,” he told her, watching a flush climb high in her cheeks. Drops of rain still clung to her skin and hair. Eyes dusky, locked on his and heavy-lidded with ecstasy, lips swollen and parted with the sharp breaths he pushed from her with every thrust. She enveloped him with heat and sweetness and trust and all kinds of shit he’d never thought to have. When it all became too much and he began to drop his head, her strong hands caught him and held him up. Made him stare into her eyes. Made him see the promise of forever there. He couldn’t deny that it scared the hell out of him, but he stared all the same.

Knowing her cues, he could draw this out, make her cry out and beg and even curse him with the merest variation of movement. Oh, it was sweet, playing her body like his own instrument. Filing away any new discoveries for later use, pulling out old ones she might not have thought of in a while. A delectable game where they both won…though she usually reached the finish line long before he let himself.

Her first orgasm rocked her before he’d worked up a sweat. He talked her through, dropping kisses along her jaw and biting at that exquisitely quivering bottom lip while her contractions coaxed him deeper and pulled at his sanity. So wet, fuck, so tight. She clutched at him anywhere she could find a grip, and the heels of her running shoes dug into his ass.

“I hate you,” she giggled once she could find her voice.

“Oh yeah?” Still hard, still nowhere near his breaking point, he gave her a teasing drag of his cock. She was soaked. “Let’s see if I can make you hate me again.”

Challenge flared deep in her eyes. Usually, once she came that hard, she was done. “You couldn’t.”

“Daring me will only make me try harder.” He tugged at the zipper of her hoodie, skimming his fingers underneath to tease at her bare breasts. Macy’s eyes closed dreamily. Spreading the jacket aside, he bared one nipple to his sight, dipped his head to flick his tongue across the tight peak. Deep inside, her pussy clutched at him anew. “Oh, I think I could.”

Rain pattered against the windows, which were already fogged up. Macy’s hand rested atop his shaved head, stroking as he shifted his attentions to her other nipple. He licked and sucked and nibbled until she was ready again, growing restless beneath him, arching into his mouth, rocking her hips to take him deeper even though he denied her any real movement yet.

“Okay,” she finally said on a soft chuckle, “I give in. You totally could.”

“Does that mean you don’t want me to?”

“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?”

“Nah. You’re young and healthy, baby. You haven’t killed me yet, so I think we’re both gonna hang in for a while.”

Laughing, she hugged him close. Putting his cheek to hers, he moved inside her, gentle, leisurely movements. Outside, the rain slowed, its furor spent while Ghost’s gradually built. Still, he held back, even while his pulse thundered in his ears and he was so hard it hurt, instincts screaming to fuck her hard until he exploded. He lifted his head and gazed at her, finding her in the same sensuous distress.

“Are you okay?” he asked, meaning it in so much more than a physical sense. He only wanted to know she felt safe, loved, happy.

“I am,” she whispered, and he believed she’d understood the depth of the question. He hoped. There was nothing left to do but give her everything. Kissing her deeply, Ghost shuddered through his own release, pulling her with him.

In the quiet moments after, while the only sound was their breathing and the last drops of rain on the roof, she said, “Seth?”


“I want a baby.”

He’d already known, of course—she’d wanted to go off birth control, after all. But hearing it put so plainly, hearing the ache in her voice, undid something in him. He lifted his head and smoothed the hair back from her forehead. Her eyes were uncertain as they searched his, as if she’d been unsure of what he might say. A grin broke across his face. “Yeah?”

Macy nodded, her breath hitching. “I do. How do you feel about it?”

He only knew he wanted to make her happy—and she’d told him from the start that kids would be a part of that deal. Macy wanted to be a mom, she always had, and she deserved to be.

“I see the look in your eyes when Brian and Candace are around with Lyric,” he said. “You light up.”

“They’re so happy.”

True. But they’d gone through hell, too. Ghost and Macy had babysat for them while Brian was in the hospital recovering from an assault last year. Macy had loved every minute of the baby time; even jumping up for feedings and diaper changes at two in the morning hadn’t fazed her. And Ghost had to admit, holding and feeding little Lyric had stirred a few fatherly feels in him, too. Poor little man almost had to grow up without a dad when Brian got attacked, and Ghost knew how that felt from having lost his own parents before he could form adequate memories of them.

It wasn’t something he wanted to see any kid go through. Ever. He remembered looking down into that baby’s innocent eyes and vowing to fill that role for him as best he could if that was the hand they got dealt. Thank God it hadn’t been. Brian had recovered, good as new.

At the core of it all, though, was one almost paralyzing fear, the same one that had gripped him when his ex, Raina, had come to him with news that she was pregnant. She’d lost their baby, but memories of the funk he’d walked around in for weeks were still vivid. “What if I’m a shitty dad?”

“Please. You’ll be an amazing dad. Besides, you’ll have me. We’ll be a team.”

That was so undeniably true. Parenting a kid with Macy would be at the opposite end of the spectrum from parenting with someone like Raina. An idea filled with hope versus one filled with dread.

Still beneath him, Macy licked her lips and glanced up at him uncertainly. “I kind of thought I might already be pregnant, but I took a test and it was negative.” She rushed that last bit out, as if she was afraid he might have an immediate breakdown at the news. It was only the disappointment in her eyes that broke something in him.

“Aw, babe,” he said gently, touching her cheek. “You should’ve told me.”

“I know. I was so excited and nervous, I thought I would see if there was anything to freak out over before I freaked you out.” She chuckled sadly.

“That’s what’s been bothering you, then?”

“Yeah, a little.”

No, it was a lot. He knew her better than that. “Well, maybe…” With a sheepish smirk, he glanced down to where their bodies were still joined and raised his eyebrows meaningfully. Maybe they’d just accomplished the deed a few minutes ago.

Macy grinned but shook her head. “Nah, I doubt it. It’s not the right time for me.”

Gently pulling from her body, he opened his mouth to reply that she should tell him when it was, and they would go at it like rabbits. But his phone buzzed in the back pocket of the jeans hanging loose around his ass. With a growl of frustration, he was prepared to let it go to voicemail, but with a kiss Macy told him, “It’s okay, go ahead.”


Breathless was a great follow up story to Macy and Seth's original novel.  It was a quick read, but took me right back to the original feels of their story and made me nostalgic to read them again. 

I loved that this story gave us proof that even in romance novels, couples face problems and have to make compromises.  It was a really nice balance of continued romance and all out love with every day struggles delivered in such a way that not only was the love felt, the problems were relatable in some ways.  

Macy and Seth are still two very much unique characters and I loved that though there was definitely growth in them, there wasn't any major changes that made them not resemble the Macy and Seth I fell in love with before.  

Cherrie Lynn did a great job of enticing me with this follow up piece and now I'm hopeful for future glimpses at these and other characters in the future. 

Tour Wide Giveaway

To celebrate the release of BREATHLESS by Cherrie Lynn, we’re giving away for a $25 Amazon gift card!

GIVEAWAY TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Open internationally. One winner will be chosen to receive a $25 Amazon gift card. This giveaway is administered by Pure Textuality PR on behalf of Entangled Publishing.  Giveaway ends 11/2/2018 @ 11:59pm EST. Entangled Publishing will send one winning prize, Pure Textuality PR will deliver the other. Limit one entry per reader and mailing address. Duplicates will be deleted.  CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

About Cherrie Lynn

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author CHERRIE LYNN has been a CPS caseworker and a juvenile probation officer, but now that she has come to her senses, she writes contemporary and paranormal romance on the steamy side. It’s *much* more fun. She’s also an unabashed rock music enthusiast, and loves letting her passion for romance and metal collide on the page.
When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, listening to music or playing with her favorite gadget of the moment. She’s also fond of hitting the road with her husband to catch their favorite bands live.
Cherrie lives in East Texas with said husband and their two kids, all of whom are the source of much merriment, mischief and mayhem.
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Monday, November 19, 2018

Blog Tour: The Christmas Layover by Robert Tate Miller

Meet the Author:

Robert Tate Miller was raised in the North Carolina mountain town of Hendersonville and began writing at an early age. He began his writing career with homespun essays of small town life that were published in such publications as Reader's Digest, The Christian Science Monitor and the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. He moved to Los Angeles in the late 1980s and wrote hugely successful family-oriented telefilms for NBC, ABC Family and the Hallmark Channel. Robert lives in Northridge, CA..
Connect: Site | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

About the Book:

The weather forecasters said the snowstorm would miss the eastern seaboard. They were wrong. When Ally Henderson’s flight from Southern California to finally marry her fiancé in New York City on Christmas gets diverted to the tiny Midwestern town of Bethlehem, she’s desperate to get back in the air and to the Big Apple. But with all the airports closed, she’s forced to rely on Midwestern hospitality to wait out the storm. Living with a welcoming stranger is one way to spend a snowed-in Christmas, but when she meets the local diner owner, the kindhearted and surprisingly sexy Jake, sparks fly. Only, Ally’s a big-city girl with big-city dreams, and Jake will always be a Bethlehem boy.

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The Christmas Layover is my first book by Robert Tate Miller and I can say that I will probably pick up another in the future.  

The story grabbed my attention from the start, pulling me into the lives of the characters and wanting to know more as well as see how the situation played out for each of them.  The Christmas Layover was a story with a lot of pieces that all fit together to intrigue me. Characters I needed to know, stories I wanted to learn, and a blooming connection between two strangers. All added together with a touch of Christmas spirit. 

When a plane headed for New York ends up diverted due to weather in a small town, none of the passengers realize how this change in plans will affect them. Most especially not Ally.  What she finds in Bethleham is more than a respite from the storm and it might mean more than a little stop. Jake had no idea what to expect when he stopped at the airport to pick up passengers for his mother.

The Christmas Layover will suck you in and leave you satisfied with the outcome as it weaves you through the lives of many people and a chance encounter that could mean so much more. As chemistry sparks and feelings bloom, there's a lot that could come between these two,  But will Ally find herself taking a chance on the unknown and Jake? 


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Friday, November 16, 2018

Cover Reveal: It Happens by Lani Lynn Vale


Zee + Annmarie and Tan + Jubilee. Forever. No exceptions. They were to have the picture-perfect life together. Everything was all planned out. Jubilee was to marry Eitan and Ezekiel was to marry Annmarie. That’s how it was always supposed to be from the moment that they met. Textbook, right? Wrong. Eitan and Annmarie die in a freak accident that never should have happened, leaving the two survivors reeling. Sixteen years later, Jubilee and Zee can’t even be in the same room with each other before things begin to deteriorate. Too many memories. Too much pain. Not enough forgiveness. They’re like hellfire and holy water, and neither one of them is willing to admit that they’re wrong. Then one day things change, and all of a sudden, they’re looking at each other like maybe they aren’t each other’s enemies after all. ADD TO GOODREADS



        Lani Lynn Vale is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens. When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading. Lani is married with three children and lives in the Great State of Texas. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | BookBub  

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Blog Tour: Searing Need by Tracey Devlyn

Meet the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Tracey Devlyn writes contemporary and historical romantic suspense and mainstream thrillers. An Illinois native, Tracey spends her evenings harassing her once-in-a-lifetime husband and her weekends torturing her characters. For more information on Tracey, including her Internet haunts, contest updates, and details on her upcoming novels, please visit her website
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About the Book:

Her sister might be the law and her brothers the brawn, but Riley Kingston is definitely the brains of the family. She’s a talented botanist well on her way to a PhD—so why does she feel like a failure? Fired from a dream project in Costa Rica, Riley’s stuck back in her hometown. Cataloguing plants on Steele land keeps her busy, but it’s far from compelling work. Until she discovers a fascinating new specimen. One with a body made for pleasure . . . and eyes filled with a pain she longs to understand.
Delta Force operator Coen Monroe doesn’t want to be studied. Not even by the sexy scientist whose inquisitive glances stir up desires he isn’t ready to handle. He came to Steele Ridge to be alone, to battle his nightmares and the memories triggering them. But Riley’s gentle seduction is as relentless as her curiosity. She soothes his wounded soul . . . and fires up his defensive instincts. But once her research sparks a deadly conspiracy, Coen is exactly what she needs.
When Riley is targeted by a sociopath bent on silencing her forever, Coen will do anything to protect her. But can he save the woman he loves without losing himself in the process?

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Riley and Coen's story not only sucked me in, but kept me glued to the pages. I finished this story in one sitting because I couldn't bear to put it down and have to wonder what I was missing.  

Searing Need had me full of curiosity, needing to know more about Coen, his past, his future, just everything.  And I was curious to see how Riley would become involved because from the first moment she sees him in the book, I knew she'd never back off.  

I enjoyed the deep connection and chemistry between these two. I loved watching as they worked through their emotional struggles together.  This story had just the right amount of suspense and action to keep the story moving at a steady pace while allowing me to see the blooming feelings between them. 


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A Shifter's Claim by Marie Johnston

Today we have the blog tour for Marie Johnston’s A SHIFTER’S CLAIM. Check it out and grab your copy today!

Title: A Shifter’s Claim

Author: Marie Johnston

Genre: Paranormal Romance

About A Shifter’s Claim:

A shifter without a mate is a shifter without a mind.   It’s been five years since Shilo’s mate walked out on her and she’s been just a little, tiny bit unstable, a feeling that isn’t helped by the impending fight with a neighboring colony. She might not be all there, but even a crazed shifter knows waking up in a stranger’s bed hours from home to find the contacts from her pack murdered means she’s in trouble.   Aimless and restless and unconcerned with anything beyond his next one-night stand, Waylon agrees to act as bodyguard for some shifter pack liaison embroiled in a power struggle. What could it hurt? He’s been aching for five years, and maybe this assignment will take his mind off all he’s lost. But when he meets his client, his world stops. It’s her. His mate. The one he left.   Thanks to their history, he can’t just walk away and leave her as a target. Thanks to her instability, she can’t go home without backup. If either wants to survive the bloody present, both will have to set aside their heartbreaking past and fight for their uncertain future.

Get Your Copy Today:

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Outside, he squinted into the sun and hugged the shade of the building to weave around back where his Jeep was. It’d seen better days—both him and the vehicle. The faded black Jeep was weathered and a rust spot was eating away at a wheel well, but it still ran. Kind of like him. They were still going, just not as sporty as before.
Maybe he should run home and pack a few things.
Nah. With pack business and murders, the female he was transporting had too much on her mind to even notice him.
The drive to the Guardian’s lodge was beautiful as always, and as always, he tried not to notice. Lush trees, space for wolves to run, and the smell of the great outdoors would only remind him of just the beginning of what he’d lost. How long had it been since he’d run his wolf?
The massive log structure sat at the end of a winding drive. The architecture of the place was genius. The generous windows reflected the woods back to the viewer like built-in camouflage. It was two stories with a full basement. Around it, cabins dotted the woods for Guardians and their families to live in.
He rubbed the sudden ache in his chest. The families out here were tight, had been through thick and thin, and that was not envy burning a hole through his gut.
Parking by the entrance, he jogged inside. Armana’s human mate, Gray, met him at the door.
Waylon had only met the guy when they’d come into the bar to talk with him, but he liked Gray’s relaxed demeanor. The human had nothing to prove and his delight in his new life was palpable. Again, not envy.
“Waylon, thanks for coming so soon.”
The corner of Waylon’s mouth ticked up. Thanks for coming so soon after they’d been trying to reach him for hours. Diplomatic.
“Armana’s with the client now. I’ll let them explain everything.”
Waylon arched a brow. The client was doing the talking. She must have status.
He followed Gray down a long hallway with coded locked doors. Scents assaulted him and he tried to parse through them as he walked, like there was a hidden treasure tickling his nose. One door was hanging open and Gray turned inside.
Waylon rounded the doorway and froze, his boots scratching to a halt against the floor when his gaze landed on the client.
No. It couldn’t be. Anyone but her.
His heart pounded, a deafening cacophony in his ears.
Wide brown eyes switched from shock to full hostility. She stood so fast she knocked her chair over. “No. I will not work with him.”
The venom in her tone knocked his sense back. That voice, so much disdain for him, like her mother, like her father, like half the town he’d grown up in.
Aware of Armana’s and Gray’s growing alarm, he adopted a smile he didn’t feel and drawled, “After all this time, is that how you greet your mate?”

About Marie Johnston:

Marie Johnston is an award-winning writer of paranormal and contemporary romance, and a RITA® Finalist. Marie decided to pursue her passion for writing and traded in her lab coat for a laptop to write her first book ever, Fever Claim. She lives in the upper Midwest with her husband, four kids, and two kittens. Other than hanging out with her family, Marie enjoys reading, movie dates with her hubby, getting outside on sunny days, and the all too rare - girls' night out.

Connect with Marie:

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page

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Review Tour: Tragic by Devney Perry



Kaine Reynolds wants nothing more than solitude. After an unthinkable tragedy destroys his family, he’s cut off all ties to his former life so he can battle his grief the only way he knows how.W Alone. So when Piper Campbell knocks on his door, rambling on about being his new neighbor, he slams the door in her face. But Kaine’s gruff demeanor doesn’t scare her. She’s set on living in Montana and starting over after a terrible divorce. And she wouldn’t mind having a fling to chase away the pain of her husband’s betrayal. Her handsome, albeit rude, neighbor is the perfect candidate. Yet what neither of them suspect is that their no-strings affair will result in the surprise of Piper’s lifetime—and Kaine’s worst fear.  


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Out of all of the new authors I discovered this year, Devney Perry has been one of the most stand out authors. Her books are always full of high emotions, they make me think, they stick to me, they hold me captive from start to finish and long after.  Tragic, though, just might be the one that sticks with me the longest.

Tragic delivers not only a compelling tale of second chances at love, but the story of two people finding exactly what they need in another person, but not even recognizing it at first.  It's a story of broken people, those who feel they can't or won't be love or that they don't deserve it.  It's absolutely more than that and hard to describe exactly all the feelings this story evoked. 

Kaine has suffered immeasurably and to deal with his losses, his trauma, he wants nothing more than to be alone in his solitude and to carry on for himself.  He's let go of the past - not actually moving on from it - by leaving it behind him and doing his best to not look back. But as with most trauma - covering up his pain and hiding from the past is not truly helping.  When his solitude is broken by the feisty new neighbor, Kaine begins to re-awaken to real life again - but what can happen from that point?

Piper moved to Lark Cove to be closer to her boss and to get away from the City and her ex. She's still hurting over the betrayal of her ex-husband and knows she's not ready for another relationship - but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be up for a casual fling. Only what she finds with her mountain man of a neighbor is anything but casual.

Tragic was a beautifully blended story that made me laugh, made me cry and made me want to grab a hold of both of these characters at times.  Devney Perry does an amazing job of not only pulling me into the world she's created and the lives of her characters, but making me feel as if I'm at home in Lark Cove. Which each flip of the page, I found myself sinking further in to the story, to the characters and to what was developing with them and around them. 


  Devney is the USA Today bestselling author of the Jamison Valley series. She lives in Montana with her husband and two children. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her kids. She loves reading and, after consuming hundreds of books, decided to share her own stories. Devney loves hearing from readers! Connect with her on social media. Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Newsletter