Today we have the blog tour for Piper Stone’s Burn! Check it out and grab your copy today.

About Burn:
9/11. Too many memories. A burning pain. Scarred body and soul. Damaged beyond comprehension.
Fighting fires to save lives, unable to combat the devil inside, but I need more.
More… I need her. She’s my salvation and I will have her. No compromises.
Danger. Domination. Destruction.
The Jackals
An elite core of smokejumpers nestled in the heart of Missoula, Montana.
By day they indulge in their penchant for danger.
By night they exude passion.
Are you ready for their brand of domination?
Prevent. Protect. Preserve. This is their motto.
Publisher’s Note: This adult, action adventure romance offers suspense, danger, mystery, explicit scenes and power exchange elements. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.
Landen stood straight
and walked closer, crossing over the guardrail until he stood just off the edge
of the pavement. Hunkering down, he scanned the perimeter and took a deep
whiff. What smelled like wet dog assaulted his senses. He made several clicking
sounds and waited until he heard a rustling noise. This wasn’t about the wind.
He didn’t move, preferring to allow the creature to come to him.
He heard a low-slung
growl followed by a whimper coming from no more than ten feet in front of him.
The sound pitiful, he clasped his hands, determined to find out what little
creature might need his help. “Come on. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”
A loud cracking deep in the forest caught his attention.
The odd howl was
followed by a deep snarl, the sound guttural.
Er! Er! Errrr!
Two seconds later, a
large ball of fur bounded out of the trees, headed straight for him. He
bristled, anticipating danger. Jerking to his feet, he braced for the impact.
When the animal took a flying leap, jumping straight into his arms, he was
pummeled back and down, skidding across the pavement toward the craggy rocks.
Throwing his arm out, he managed to snag the edge of the guardrail with one
hand, the scruff of the creature’s neck with the other. Hissing, he used the strength
of his upper torso, jerking to a halt only two feet from the edge.
“Fuck!” Landen
wrestled with the wiggling animal, finally getting the grunting beast under
control. He wrapped both hands around the creature’s neck as the animal
scratched and pawed, agonizing sounds erupting from its throat. After a few
seconds, the beast stopped fighting. “Christ!”
Waaa! Grr!
Sweat rolled down
both sides of his face as he blinked, finally able to focus. The face of a
terrified dog stared back at him, saliva oozing from his snout. “Jesus, pup.
You scared the shit out of me.” He kept his fingers intertwined with the dog’s
stringy fur as he pushed off from the guardrail, standing at his full height.
After glancing back toward the forest, he took several long strides away from
the drop off. “Let’s take a look at you.” No collar or identification of any
kind and the male dog had never been fixed.
Woof! Woof! Woof!
After three barks the
dog stopped making any noise, his big brown eyes opening wide.
“I know you’re
talking. What are you trying to tell me?” Giving the dog a quick inspection, he
knew the pup was either lost and had been for some time or had been purposely
abandoned. The Labrador mix was skin and bones and had been in some sort of a
fight recently. Exhaling, he rubbed the dog’s snout and shook his head. What in
the hell was he supposed to do with the dog now?
Woof! Woof!
The dog skittered
backwards, his body shaking, his tail between his legs.
Landen darted a look
over his shoulder, studying the tree line. “What are you afraid of, boy?” He
took two steps toward the forest.
Woof! Woof!
This time the dog
went nuts, jumping from side to side but refusing to come any closer.
“Okay. Let me see.
Stay.” Landen held out his hand, palm down. He took several backward steps
toward the trees, turning when the dog seemed to calm down. The hill was rocky
and easy to climb. When he reached the top, he had a good view of twenty plus
feet in front of him. The moment he headed into the forest, the dog let out an
intense and terrifying howl.
Stopping short,
Landen walked with purpose, scanning the dense area. There was no way of
telling which direction the dog had come from or what the poor pup had faced.
Best and only option was to take the dog with him to town, see if he could find
the owner. He snorted at the thought. No one was going to claim the dog, but he
couldn’t keep him. There was no way.
The dog yelped once
again, the eerie sound echoing into the forest. This time the noise was laced
with menace. After looking for another minute and seeing nothing, he trotted
back toward his car, placing his hands on his hips. “I don’t know, boy, what can I do?”
Cocking his head, the
pup panted and whined, stamping a single paw on the pavement.
“Ah, how about a
cheeseburger? Would you like that? Least I can do.” Grinning, he walked toward
his car.
Hairs rose on the
back of his neck, his skin prickling. The growl now protective, Landen inhaled,
catching a musky scent a split second before he heard a rustling in the
underbrush. Goosebumps popped along every inch of naked skin and he reacted,
turning, his hand reaching for his knife.
The single snarl was
followed by a morbid cry, the howl cutting through the air.
Landen grunted as his
arm stayed prone, remaining in the direction of the hard throw. He blinked and
surveyed the scene, satisfied with his aim. The sharp serration of the hunting
knife had performed as practiced, severing the main artery in the bobcat’s
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About Piper Stone:
Best Selling author, Piper Stone writes in several genres including romantic suspense, thrillers, erotic romance, dark erotic, Domestic Discipline, spanking, Domination and submission and traditional romance. She has a love of the non-traditional, preferring to create worlds that defy the imagination. Wine and sous vide cooking are only second to her love of golden retrievers and you might find all three nestled in the pages of a book or two.
She has several releases from Blushing Books including Truth or Dare, His Demands – Dirty Little Secrets, Submissive For Hire, His Hidden Girl – Dirty Little Secrets, Becoming – Power Exchange and the Rescue Me Series, Maverick and Shadow. Her upcoming release, Three Rivers Run Deep, is book one in the Fire Devil Series.
She will also have several releases with Bethany’s Woodshed in the upcoming months.
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