Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Review: Flash Point by Amy Knupp

Title: Flash Point
Author: Amy Knupp
Release Date: May 8, 2018
Source: ARC from Author

Becoming an ER doctor is the second hardest thing Rachel Culver has ever done. The hardest was losing her beloved twin sister two years ago. As a medical resident living far away from her family, Rachel was able to keep her grief at a distance. But now that she’s back on San Amaro Island, there’s no avoiding her anguish…or her guilty secret.

Cale Jackson is a rescuer at heart, both in his job as fire lieutenant and outside of it. But his fiancée’s heartbreaking death derailed him, and he’s been focused on healing himself ever since. When he runs into her sister, Rachel, in the ER, he suspects she’s struggling even more than he is, and he reaches out. 

Rachel is an expert at keeping people at arm’s length, but the secret she’s keeping from Cale connects them in a way he’s never imagined. If she tells him the truth, will it bring them closer…or scare him off forever?

Flash Point is a stand-alone novel in the Island Fire series.


One of my favorite things about the Island Fire series is that each book tackles it's own different struggles and yet there is a commonality amongst the books and characters.  Flash Point is the same in that regard and yet it's quite different. 

Rachel and Cale share a painful past - but not in the way you'd think. Their connection stems from the a third party, Rachel's twin sister and Cale's fiancee. It's been two years since they lost her and yet their grief is still a prominent part of their lives.  But as they work through that grief and get to know each other something more grows between them than just mutual loss and pain - but can they truly make something between them work? 

I felt Knupp tackled this topic very well - it's not easy to make people accept a couple with these circumstances and yet as I read, I could truly see that these two were the perfect match for each other.  The journey together was about more than just finding love with each other.  I felt the emotions as they came to life off the page and I couldn't wait to see how it all worked out in the end.  Rachel and Cale were two worthy characters with such a consuming story to tell.  

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