Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Release Blitz: A Brush With Death by N.J. Ember
Title: A Brush with Death
Author: N.J. Ember
Genre: Adult Paranormal/horror
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs
Publisher: Fire Lotus Books
Publication Date: July 31st, 2018
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
A darkened road. A truck-stop diner. A chance meeting.
All Marisol Pedilla wanted was to make the drive to her aunt’s house without incident. Instead, she meets a woman named Sasha. Together, they encounter more misfortune than Marisol has ever experienced.
Danger and deception seem to be all too common in Sasha’s world, and it’s a world Marisol wants no part of. But fate has other plans. The secrets Sasha’s keeping from her could change Marisol’s life forever.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2v4SD0D

Author Links:
Website: http://www.njember.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/njember.author
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nj_ember
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/njember.author/
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ZP9iX
Amazon page: https://amzn.to/2mSliSg
Chapter 1
I’d never been more thankful to be wearing jeans as I crawled around on the checkered floor of a truck-stop diner. It had to be here somewhere. “Mierda,” I cursed loudly as I smacked my head against the underside of the table. I climbed back into the booth, and the dark green vinyl squeaked in protest, sticking to the back of my legs. My stomach dropped as I dumped my purse out onto the table for a third time and rifled through the contents. I sighed. Yup, it was official. My wallet was missing, and I was screwed.
A waitress hurried towards me. She looked tired; dark shadows nestled under her eyes, and her mouth was turned down in a thin-lipped frown. “Have you decided yet, Honey?”
I looked up, panic fluttering hard in my stomach. The sizzle of food hitting the flat top caught my attention, its aroma flooding the tiny diner. Bacon. Possibly hash browns. My stomach growled, but spare change would only get me so far. “Uh, just coffee for now. Thanks.” I smiled politely then haphazardly shoved things back into my purse.
My hands felt grimy, and I grimaced. I threw my purse over my shoulder and pushed past incoming people towards the bathroom. I washed my hands twice. I didn’t know how it happened or where I could have lost it, but I knew what my mom was going to say when I called her. “I told you you were too young to drive to your aunt’s alone. I knew your brother should have gone with you.”
It didn’t matter that I was twenty-three. In her eyes, I wasn’t ready for so much responsibility, even though I’d been her shadow, her second in command for as long as I could remember. I knew I could handle this. While I’d never driven so far across the country before, I had the GPS on my phone and a printout of the directions in case that failed. What I didn’t factor in was bad luck, or maybe it was just my own stupidity.
Once I was sitting back in the booth, I rested my head on my arms. Exhaustion was tugging at my eyelids, making me sluggish, like I was dragging my body through water. I sat up, pushing my jet-black curls behind my ears. The lecture was coming no matter how long I put it off. I plucked my cell phone from my purse, but the screen stayed blank. I pushed the power button. Ugh, no charge. I picked up a menu instead, to avoid looking awkward, and glanced out the window.
The interior of the diner was tinged red from the glow of the neon sign hanging in it, providing some extra security against the inky darkness. It was already past midnight, and even once my phone was charged, it would still be too late to call.
I skimmed over the menu, not really taking it in. My stomach growled again, and I startled as I felt myself falling forward. I was hungry and tired, with no money and a lot of miles left to go. I wasn’t sure how, but there had to be some way I could manage to get to my aunt’s without my mom having to rescue me.
“You mind if I sit with you?”
I jumped again. I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice the woman come up to me. Her skin was a deep golden brown that reminded me of tiger’s-eye stones. Her voice was soft, but there was a hint of underlying smokiness. Tall, with a slender, athletic build, she looked imposing in a leather jacket and high-heeled boots. She had a long, angular face with full lips and high cheekbones, and her onyx hair billowed outward in an afro. I looked around. The diner was crowded but not completely full, and I failed to find a reason why a total stranger would try and sit with me.
She seemed to read my thoughts. “Hey, it’s cool. I thought it’d be nice to have some company, but I understand.”
She turned to go, and I felt a pang of remorse at my hesitation. I reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Wait!”
She turned back, and my heart flip-flopped. I ignored it. My fingers brushed against hers as I let go. “Sure, you can sit here.”
Her eyes widened, and the ghost of a smile showed on her face. It only lasted for a second, but the warmth of it seemed to make her brown eyes lighter. She slid into the seat opposite me. “Thanks. I’m Sasha.”
“So what brings you out this way, Marisol?”
Before I could answer, the waitress returned. “Would you like to order?”
Sasha glanced at me. “You haven’t ordered yet?”
I shook my head. “Just coffee.”
Sasha didn’t even bother looking at her menu. “I’ll have the western omelette, extra cheese, and she’ll have the pancakes with bacon.”
My face burned with embarrassment. “You don’t have to do that.”
“It’s the least I can do. Besides, you were staring at the picture so hard when I walked up; I thought you were going to burn a hole through the menu.”
My embarrassment deepened, and I looked away, desperately trying to think of anything else to talk about. “Do you come here often?” I mentally kicked myself. “I mean, I only ask because you seemed pretty sure of what you wanted.”
“No, not that often. I’ve passed through here a couple times though.”
I looked back to find her watching me, and I quickly dropped my eyes to the tabletop and fidgeted with the edge of the menu. “So, you do a lot of traveling?”
“You could say that, yeah.”
“For work?”
“Most of the time.”
“What kind of work do you do?”
This time it was Sasha’s turn to be interrupted. The waitress set two mugs in front of us and filled them. I moved my menu out of the way as she slid a steaming plate of pancakes in front of me. My mouth watered. “The rest of your order will be out in just a minute, hun,” she said to Sasha as she handed her a stack of buttered toast.
I grabbed three packets of sugar, ripped them open and dumped them into my coffee, along with two creams. I stirred, watching the color of it lighten to something more acceptable. Sasha’s gravelly laugh made me look up.
“You want any coffee with that?” I noticed she had left her own cup alone.
I smiled at her. “Not if I can help it.”
She shook her head as I drizzled syrup onto my pancakes and dipped a piece of crispy bacon in it. “So you never answered; what do you do for work?”
Sasha’s face fell, and I instantly regretted asking. The waitress brought her omelette. I waited as she cut into it. “This and that. Nothing worth talking about.”
I nodded. Conversation stopped for a few minutes as we ate. The neon sign flickered, and Sasha tensed. She stared out the window. I did the same, but beyond the procession of cars and trucks, I couldn’t see a thing. “What is it?”
But it didn’t seem like nothing. I watched as she shifted and reached for something I couldn’t see. The sleeve of her leather jacket lifted up, revealing a tattoo: a long-stemmed rose intertwined with a scythe.
“That’s beautiful.” I moved my plate out of the way so I could lean forward. “Would it be okay if I took a closer look?”
Sasha pulled her sleeve up some more and stretched her arm out towards me. I traced the lines with my eyes. “Why a scythe?”
“It’s a reminder.”
I looked up. Sasha’s gaze connected with mine, and my stomach lurched. I was scared to breathe. Scared to blink. Then she turned away, looking out the window again, and disappointment sank like a stone in my stomach.
“Marisol,” Sasha said sharply. “Get down!”
Hands grabbed my legs. I fell backwards, and my butt hit the floor. The window next to us exploded in a shower of jagged glass as the diner was plunged into darkness.
Release Blitz: Audrey and the Hero Upstairs by R. Linda
Title: Audrey and the Hero Upstairs
Author: R. Linda
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Editor: Lori Whitwam
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Publication Date: July 31st, 2018
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
My road to recovery began with Brody—the man who saved my life.
Without his courage and determination, I’d have died in the fire that took the lives of my entire family. If that’s not a hero, I don’t know what is.
Brody has been by my side every step…but the emotional scars are as crippling as the physical ones, even if they’re harder to see. The anxiety of being around people, seeing their disgust, feeling their pity—I’m not sure I can handle it.
Maybe it’s wrong, but feelings are developing between us, leading to stolen glances and sneaky kisses. The problem is I’m not quite eighteen, he’s twenty-five, and we’re living under someone else’s roof. It would be so much simpler with someone my own age, like Bennett, the hottest guy in school.
How can Brody and I possibly be together? And if we were, how would we explain all this to our friends and Brody’s family—who also happen to be my foster parents? I’ve already lost so much…but can I lose someone who shouldn’t even be mine?
R. Linda drinks wine and writes books.
A coffee addicted, tattoo enthusiastic fangirl with a slight obsession for a particular British boy band and solo artist, she is a writer of Contemporary YA/NA Romance and Suspense, sometimes dabbling in Paranormal as well.
Renee lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and two sons. When not writing she can often be found reading books to her children and cuddling up with them on the couch to watch their favourite movies.
Author Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NPWsxA
Get up close and personal with R.Linda, as well as sneak peeks, awesome giveaways and exclusive content in her reader groups on:
Buy Links:
Bailey and the Bad Boy: http://amzn.to/2y8hvUx
Indie and the Brother’s Best Friend: http://amzn.to/2CCpHBZ
Harper and the One-Night Stand: https://amzn.to/2GN8p3U
Kenzie and the Guy Next Door: https://amzn.to/2IAeRMN
Audrey and the Hero Upstairs: https://amzn.to/2NA6wuF

Monday, July 30, 2018
Release Blitz: Filthy Lies by Raine Miller
RELEASE DATE: July 30th, 2018
On the day I turned fifteen years old I knew I loved James Blakney. There was a look in his eye that told me he’d finally noticed I existed in a realm beyond best-friend’s-much-younger-off-limits-don’t-even-think-about-it-little-sister. Call it womanly intuition, despite the fact I was barely qualified for being an actual woman at just fifteen—and only in the biological sense—but still, I knew I loved him.
What I never expected from him was a proposal of marriage nearly eight years later. I know it's not supposed to be a real marriage, but James is certainly making it feel that way.
He's also hiding something from me.
But I've hidden the truth from him as well.
So many filthy lies.
~Winter Blackstone
UNIVERSAL LINK >> https://books2read.com/filthyliesADD TO GOODREADS
ADD to your TBR >> bit.ly/goodreadsfilthy2ABOUT RAINE MILLER
Raine Miller is a New York Times – USA Today – Wall Street Journal bestselling author who likes to write romantic stories pretty much every chance she gets. She has a handsome husband, two amazing sons, and two very bouncy Italian greyhounds to keep her busy the rest of the time. Her boys know she likes to write stories, but gratefully have never asked to read any. Thank God!Sign up for Raine Miller’s mailing list: http://www.rainemiller.com/newsletter/
Connect with Raine Miller
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Book Blitz: Twisted Lies by Sedona Venez
Title: Twisted Lies 1 (Dirty Secrets)
Author: Sedona Venez
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
From USA Today bestselling author Sedona Venez comes an emotional, raw and captivating, romantic suspense.
How the hell did this happen?
I hate him, but I want him.
It was sick and sordid, and I couldn’t tell what this really was.
I only knew when I was around him, he suffocated me with his twisted lies and dirty secrets, only to cruelly resuscitate me.
And shamefully, I loved it.
I should stop him before this goes any further.
I knew I should, but my body thought otherwise.
I was high off his lies and drunk off his hate...now there was no way out.
USA TODAY Bestselling Author Sedona Venez lives in New York City with her hot ex-military hubby--hooah--and their fur babies. She loves writing sizzling, sexy intricate stories about strong but broken characters who push limits, overcome their fears, and risk it all for love.
Author Links:
Text "SedonaVenez" to 33222
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SedonaVenez
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NomBU9
Buy Links:
Twisted Lies 1 (FREE):
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2zKT6tw
Universal Link: www.books2read.com/u/3J8EVK
Twisted Lies 2:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2mnyKNF
Universal Link: www.books2read.com/u/bxZ1vq
Twisted Lies 3:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2zL9YAF
Universal Link: www.books2read.com/u/boZ2wZ
Twisted Lies 4 (Pre-Order):
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Ni8IXi
Universal Link: www.books2read.com/u/3nY5pK
Release Blitz: The Long Shot by Brandy L Rivers
Title: The Long Shot
Author: Brandy L. Rivers
Genre: MM Romance
Publication Date: July 27th, 2018
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR
One look and he knew it was a long shot.
Ryan King is a movie star with a secret. Women fall at his feet for a chance, but that’s never been what he wanted. Broken hearted after helping his closest friend claim the love of his life, Ryan is searching for a distraction. One who can keep his secret.
Shannon O’Neil’s life has changed drastically in the last few years. He served as a Navy SEAL to escape his father’s scrutiny, but an injury forced him to reevaluate his choices. Now he runs a successful security firm. One that recently took a consulting job to train a group of actors for an upcoming movie.
The attraction is immediate but long-distance relationships have never worked for either. Still, they want to try. Navigating through their own family drama, and Ryan’s shooting schedule may prove too much of a burden.
An avid reader, Brandy has always loved writing. She became serious about it as a stay-at-home-mother. With every story her world of characters expands, pulling her new directions.
Living in rainy Western Washington with her husband and three kids, Brandy is already working on future stories in each of the series, and several other projects.
Author Links:
Website – www.brandylrivers.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/brandylrivers
Twitter – www.facebook.com/brandylrivers
Instagram - www.instagram.com/brandylrivers
Amazon – www.amazon.com/author/brandyrivers
Goodreads – www.goodreads.com/brandylrivers
Newsletter - http://www.subscribepage.com/f4x4y2
Reader group Rivers’ Shenanigans - https://www.facebook.com/groups/riversshenanigans
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NOwKcY
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Release Blitz: vortexes by Holly Barbo
Author: Holly Barbo
Genre: Dystopian Urban Fantasy
Publication Date: July 23rd, 2018
Cover Designer: Darkmantle Designs
Publisher: Paper Gold Publishing
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR
A Dystopian Urban Fantasy Desperate times have come to Emma Maya Ando’s country. A totalitarian regime with no tolerance for deviation has marginalized thousands. Neither physical exceptionality nor freedom of thought has a place. All is conformity. But Maya doesn’t conform, and time is running out on her ability to conceal her condition. Can Maya find a cure before she is swept up in a purge… or will she take her secret to the grave?
Holly Barbo’s world is shaped by her love of her family, the beauty of the natural world in Northwest Washington State and an irrepressible creative drive.
Living where the scenery is incredible with a rich abundance of wildlife “is so special and soothing that it feels like a quiet kind of magic,” according to Barbo. She is drawn to creating stories where there is just a bit of something unworldly, perhaps it is magic or psychic skills. Her stories are mostly in non-urban settings and usually have some focus on nature, building a discordant drama inside the peaceful frame.
Author Links:
Author page Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LGe5Cs
Website & Blog: http://hollybarbo-books.com
Twitter: @HBarboWriting
Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/hollybarbo/
Art work http://society6.com/HollyBarbo
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1qy9z8L
Etsy: SimplyElegantWoods http://etsy.me/2rVTeRR
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LNGljz
Universal Link: https://www.books2read.com/u/3R1LxR
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Release Blitz: Scarred by Elizabeth Knox
Title: Scarred
Series: Demons of Hell #1
Series: Demons of Hell #1
Author: Elizabeth Knox
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 28, 2018
I had it all, or at least I did according to everyone else.
I had the club, I had the most powerful husband, the Prez of the Demons
of Hell MC.
I had a family.
He’d told me time and time again the club was my “family”.
My “family” let a lot of things happen to me that shouldn’t of.
My “family” did a great job of turning a blind eye.
My “family” was great at letting me be the punching bag for their
mistakes. For all of his pent up anger and frustrations.
My “family” was the reason I almost died.
When Rage came into my life I saw nothing else.
His name was a warning and I didn’t listen.
Purchase Links
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Scarred is the first book in Knox's new MC series and what a ride it takes us on. This book is an introduction to the Demons of Hell MC and our story revolves around the wife of the Pres - but before you get to thinking you've read this story -- think again.
Roxy and Tex's story delivers us quite the story. You see Roxy is married to Rage - but it's not a match made in heaven and she's not happy and Tex is her ex. Now that you have that background in mind - prepare yourselves for a bumpy road - because things are about to get a little wild.
Elizabeth Knox knows how to deliver the right amount of dark with her romance and this story isn't what you are expecting...or maybe it is in a few ways. I'm excited to see where we are going to be taken in future books in the series.
Author Bio
Elizabeth is a romantic suspense author most popular for her
Mob and MC books, the international bestselling author of Reign, Redemption,
Revenge, Relentless, Promised, Tough as Steele, Stripping a Steele &
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