Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog Tour: Cartel by Lili St Germain

Are you ready for Mariana’s story in this heart-wrenching NEW series!?
RELEASE DATE:  January 27th
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‘You do this a lot?’ I asked abruptly.
He took a step closer. I took a step back. It was timed so well, it was almost as if we were dancing some sort of macabre waltz.
He laughed when we moved in unison.
‘Depends,’ he replied, ‘on what this is.’
‘Pick up pretty girls for your daddy?’ I shot back.
Something passed over his face for a moment and settled in his eyes. Something hard. And then, I blinked, and it was gone again.
‘Sure,’ he said, and his voice had changed somehow. Become more reserved, more guarded. Damn. The only person who’d shown me the tiniest bit of normality, and I had just alienated him. As usual, I was running off at the mouth before I thought about what I was actually saying.
‘None as pretty as you, though,’ he added.

Book Summary

How much is a life worth?

Mariana Rodriguez is the eldest daughter of a Colombian drug lord. Growing up in Villanueva, Colombia, she has never wanted for anything. Private schools, a lavish lifestyle, and the safety of the Cartel that her father works for.
At nineteen, she's got her entire life mapped out, and what a good life it's going to be: graduate from college, move to America, and finally be free from the stifling grip of the Cartel.

Only, her father messes up. A shipment of cocaine - a very large, very valuable shipment - is seized by the authorities whilst under his care and he becomes liable for the debt. Half a million dollars worth of cocaine.
Half a million dollars he does not have.

But he has a daughter, a very smart one, a daughter who would give up her very existence and offer herself as payment for her father's sins, to ensure her family survives.

But falling in love with the man who owned her wasn't part of the plan ...

My Review: 

The Cartel Trilogy Reading Order
Cartel #1
Barnes & Noble Nook:
Google Play:
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Kingpin #2 (June 1st)
Empire #3 (October 1st)

Additional Books including these characters

Gypsy Brothers Series by Lili Saint Germain
Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers, Book One) FREE

Six Brothers (Gypsy Brother, Book Two) ONLY $0.99

Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, Book Three) ONLY $0.99

Four Score (Gypsy Brothers, Four) ONLY $0.99

Three Years (Gypsy Brothers, Book Five) ONLY $0.99

Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers, Book Six) ONLY $0.99

One Love (Gypsy Brothers, Book Seven)

About the Author:

Lili Saint Germain

Lili writes dark romance, suspense and paranormal stories. Her serial novel, Seven Sons, was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to be released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good coffee, Tarantino movies and spending hours on Pinterest.

She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.

Signed paperback of Cartel
Gypsy Brothers swag pack containing signed
Cartel postcards and wristbands
Cartel signed wall poster
$25 amazon gift card

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Only Way by Magan Vernon

Spotlight Tour for The Legend of Arturo King (Legendary Rock Stars #1) by L.B. Dunbar

Title: The Legend of Arturo King
Series: Legendary Rock Stars #1
Author: L.B. Dunbar
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 27, 2015
My name is Arturo King, and I’m told I’m a legend in music. My band is called the Nights and we got our start at the underground Round Table in New York City. Raised by a foster father, I didn’t know the extent of my inheritance until I was twenty-one, and it was all more than I bargained for. I wanted to play the guitar and rule the world with song, but I learned I have a mother from old money, a dead father who was once a real estate mogul, and a record company that needed some rebuilding. Mure Linn, my friend and mentor, has been by my side through it all, teaching me to play, strengthening my lyrics, and guiding me in the music industry. There was one area he couldn’t guide me, though, and that was love. Guinevere DeGrance changed everything for me, I suppose, including the reason I’m here learning the legend of my life without remembering any of it.

The legendary rock star series begins...

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Excerpt The Legend of Arturo King by L.B. Dunbar ©

I closed in on the last line of the refrain and turned to look at Lans, signaling the direction of the crowd and the shift of the song. I had been clutching the microphone on the top of its stand, both hands wrapped around it, holding firm. I often told myself to think of the mic as a woman. Caress it in passion or clutch it in lust. It made no difference as long as this prop seemed an extension of my instrument, my voice. I released the mic slowly and shifted my own body slightly to angle to the right toward Lans. Glancing over the crowd, what I told myself would be one final time before I pulled my head back into the gig on stage, I saw her.
She was a vision in white. Literally. Her long flowing dress stood out amongst the crowd of dark T-shirts, darker jeans, and occasional bare skin. Her skin was bare in places as well. Slender arms hung at her sides, completely exposed. The pull of the dress bodice was up around her neck in some fashion that also exposed her shoulders, an area that I found could be very sensitive on a woman. Her shoulders just might redefine sensual in my brief opinion as I further took her in. The dress fell to the floor, but I could sense that those hidden legs were long, and the way the dress hugged the undisclosed portions of her body, I knew she was slender, sleek, and sumptuous in all the right places. Her hair looked dark, long and wavy, but the blue glow of the floor lights hinted at some brighter highlights.
I couldn’t make out the color of her eyes at first, but then she stepped forward under a light as if she were coming to me. They were lake blue and I felt them pierce my soul. I saw a sparkle in them as my own locked with hers. She stood still for a moment, suddenly frozen in my trance. I watched her lick her lips and I felt that lick in my pants. I didn’t want to look away as a wave of … something … crawled through my body, but she did.
She turned to her left, but I couldn’t see who stood there in the shadows. Her head returned forward and she seemed to be listening to the guitar, taking in the stage, but refusing to look again in my direction. I felt like I was willing her to notice me instead of the blank stare she focused above the bands’ heads. I almost turned to see what could be so interesting behind me. Almost, but I didn’t dare to look away from her.
She moved after a slight shift again from her left. She was obviously parting ways from someone near her and she slowly made her way through the crowded pit floor. As if the audience knew someone otherworldly was within their presence, the crowd parted slowly as she approached each person, making a clean-cut line across the wooden floorboards without another glance in the direction of the stage. Watching her walk sparked an extra beat in my heart and a throb in my pants. If she was sensual just crossing the floor, I dared to imagine what she would be like in my bed.
My vision focused solely on her subtle movement. Silky, I would have described her. She moved slowly, as if she were a ribbon sliding, slipping, through dark water. The white dress continued to glow from the dim blue lights, accentuating her slither through the waves of people. I was only vaguely aware of the guitar riff coming to an end at my left and I reached blindly for the microphone. This was a move that took no thought for me. It was as natural as breathing to hold the warm metal. I felt a slight catch in my throat as the words were climbing to escape my vocal cords. Lans hit his last note and I held my breath for the pause before a new cord was hit and the words burst forth.

It was the last look, of last night
In the last moment,
That took my breath and made me see
You might be lost before you found me.

            You cried my name, as you came,
            I took that pain and
            Made you see, you might be lost,
            But you found me.

            My own words took on new meaning as I trailed her final motion. This tune had a new emphasis and I knew I was singing to her like a siren calls a sailor. There was just something about her presence, even if I felt she was suddenly ignoring me. She seemed to pause as I poured myself into those lyrics. You found me echoed in my head as I pinned her with my eyes. She moved her long hair over one shoulder, causing me to suck in a breath at the full exposure of her alabaster back. From behind, she was completely revealed; only a slip of cloth at her neck must hold the dress over those supple breasts I massaged with my eyes moments ago, and even without full light I knew that toned back held dimples at the base above the low sling of material that clung to her backside and draped down to the floor.
            I noticed her breathing was slightly accelerated as her graceful shoulders lifted like a shrug and it certainly couldn’t be from overexertion crossing the crowded bar floor. She moved as if she floated. She had not returned my gaze, which I knew she must feel caressing across her soft skin. It could only mean one thing to my veteran assessment of women. She wasn’t interested, and that never happened to me. Women were always interested in me.
I realized suddenly where she stood. She had paused before a door to the left of the bar. I knew this door. It was made to blend seamlessly into the wall, looking like heavy olden bricks, like the surrounding walls. Only the keypad to the right gave away any semblance of a passageway. A person needed a special access code to pass through that door into the hall behind.
I watched her press her fingers deftly across the silver numbers and push the door gently inward into a darkened passage beyond without a single glance back over those sexy shoulders in my direction. I had to know who she was as the door closed, cutting off my view of her. It was almost instantaneous that I knew I wanted her, but this whole scene could only mean two things were true: she was somehow connected to Leo DeGrance, and she didn’t want me. And I believed them both. Almost.

My Review: 

Arturo King has lots of secrets. Secrets that make him who he is. Some things that he regrets, some thing that he wishes were not true, and some things he just doesn't care about.  His life has been an adventure of sorts, always finding out little pieces about himself at a time, rather than having all the answers up front. At the start of the book he's just sort of functioning as a man, putting forth most of his effort to his music. Until he spots a girl like none he's ever known. 

Guinevere DeGrance, daughter of a man famous in his own right, has had an easy life. If she wanted it, her father secured it for her, or did his best to. But she wants to grow up and she wants to prove to the world, she's more than just Leo DeGrance's daughter.  When things don't go the way she had planned she's a little lost at how she's going to proceed in life.  And then Arturo King takes an interest in her and that leaves her even more confused because she knows all about Arturo. She knows how he works.  Or does she really? 

The Legend of Arturo King is not like any other Rockstar Romance book I've read.  It definitely sucks you in from page one and leaves you on the edge of your seat wondering what is coming next. Arturo is an interesting character, one who keeps having skeletons pulled from the closet and just when you think you've figured him out, here's another secret. Guinevere is a sweet and shy character at first, sort of lost in herself, but she really grew on me.  

I loved that this story was full of surprises, some sort of expected, while others were not. It was defintely not your typical romance tale either, but as a whole, the story fit together and brought the characters to life and I enjoyed each aspect.  

I’d like to say I was always a writer. I’d also like to say that I wrote every day of my life since a child. That I took the teaching advice I give my former students because writing every day improves your writing. I’d like to say I have my ten-thousand hours that makes me a proficient writer. But I can’t say any of those things. I did dream of writing the “Great American Novel” until one day a friend said: Why does it have to be great? Why can’t it just be good and tell a story?

As a teenager, I wrote your typical love-angst poetry that did occasionally win me an award and honor me with addressing my senior high school class at our Baccalaureate Mass. I didn’t keep a journal because I was too afraid my mom would find it in the mattress where I kept my copy of Judy Blume’s Forever that I wasn’t allowed to read as a twelve year old.

I can say that books have been my life. I’m a reader. I loved to read the day I discovered “The Three Bears” as a first grader, and ever since then, the written word has been my friend. Books were an escape for me. An adventure to the unknown. A love affair I’d never know. I could be lost for hours in a book.

So why writing now? I had a story to tell. It haunted me from the moment I decided if I just wrote it down it would go away. But it didn’t. Three years after writing the first draft, a sign (yes, I believe in them) told me to fix up that draft and work the process to have it published. That’s what I did. But one story let to another, and another, and another. Then a new idea came into my head and a new storyline was created. 

I was accused (that’s the correct word) of having an overactive imagination as a child, as if that was a bad thing. I’ve also been accused of having the personality of a Jack Russell terrier, full of energy, unable to relax, and always one step ahead. What can I say other than I have stories to tell and I think you’ll like them. If you don’t, that’s okay. We all have our book boyfriends. We all have our favorites. Whatever you do, though, take time for yourself and read a book.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Review: Hope Over Fear by J.A. Derouen

Title: Hope Over Fear
Author: J.A. Derouen
Released: July 28, 2014
Source: ARC from Author
Buy Links:
Goodreads ~ Amazon

Today is the day – the day that the man I love marries someone else. I don’t deserve pity or sympathy. I’ve made my bed. I left Mason and ripped his heart to pieces as I ran away. The guilt and sorrow consume me, threatening to choke me everyday.

But today is a new beginning. Today is the day I will wake up with a renewed resolve and determination to do better … to be better … to be worthy. My name is Sara Preston, and this is my story about what happens after.

Hope Over Fear can be read as a stand alone novel.

My Review: 

In the past, Sara made a decision, a decision that was the best for her and then boyfriend Mason, but only she understood that at the time.  Feeling judged for her decision and left alone and wondering,  Sara has regrets. Not regrets over the choice she made exactly, but how she handled it and how she hurt others.  She wants forgiveness.  She also wants to move on with her life. 

In moving on and starting over, Sara takes up working at a clinic to help with adoptions and anywhere else she's needed.  There she meets Adam, and the real story begins. 

Adam has his own issues with the past, though different, he also has regrets, but not over decisions he has made, rather over things he overlooked.  Adam comes with a suprise though, and that adds a new dimension to things between Adam and Sara.  

Hope Over Fear is a story of growing up, discovering who you are, and a little bit about finding the one.  It's a story about letting go of the past and reaching towards the future, how the choices we make can affect every step of our life, even years later.   Sara felt extreme guilt, though she didn't have to, and Adam took on blame he didn't deserve.   I liked that it wasn't a simple, fall in love and find our happy, story.  There were complications and special reasons for a different path towards that final happy.  Sara and Adam both struggle with so many things, but in the end, they find their perfect partner in each other.   

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Release Day Blitz: The Legend of Arturo King by L.B. Dunbar

Title: The Legend of Arturo King
Series: Legendary Rock Stars #1
Author: L.B. Dunbar
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 27, 2015

My name is Arturo King, and I’m told I’m a legend in music. My band is called the Nights and we got our start at the underground Round Table in New York City. Raised by a foster father, I didn’t know the extent of my inheritance until I was twenty-one, and it was all more than I bargained for. I wanted to play the guitar and rule the world with song, but I learned I have a mother from old money, a dead father who was once a real estate mogul, and a record company that needed some rebuilding. Mure Linn, my friend and mentor, has been by my side through it all, teaching me to play, strengthening my lyrics, and guiding me in the music industry. There was one area he couldn’t guide me, though, and that was love. Guinevere DeGrance changed everything for me, I suppose, including the reason I’m here learning the legend of my life without remembering any of it.

The legendary rock star series begins...

I’d like to say I was always a writer. I’d also like to say that I wrote every day of my life since a child. That I took the teaching advice I give my former students because writing every day improves your writing. I’d like to say I have my ten-thousand hours that makes me a proficient writer. But I can’t say any of those things. I did dream of writing the “Great American Novel” until one day a friend said: Why does it have to be great? Why can’t it just be good and tell a story?

As a teenager, I wrote your typical love-angst poetry that did occasionally win me an award and honor me with addressing my senior high school class at our Baccalaureate Mass. I didn’t keep a journal because I was too afraid my mom would find it in the mattress where I kept my copy of Judy Blume’s Forever that I wasn’t allowed to read as a twelve year old.

I can say that books have been my life. I’m a reader. I loved to read the day I discovered “The Three Bears” as a first grader, and ever since then, the written word has been my friend. Books were an escape for me. An adventure to the unknown. A love affair I’d never know. I could be lost for hours in a book.

So why writing now? I had a story to tell. It haunted me from the moment I decided if I just wrote it down it would go away. But it didn’t. Three years after writing the first draft, a sign (yes, I believe in them) told me to fix up that draft and work the process to have it published. That’s what I did. But one story let to another, and another, and another. Then a new idea came into my head and a new storyline was created. 

I was accused (that’s the correct word) of having an overactive imagination as a child, as if that was a bad thing. I’ve also been accused of having the personality of a Jack Russell terrier, full of energy, unable to relax, and always one step ahead. What can I say other than I have stories to tell and I think you’ll like them. If you don’t, that’s okay. We all have our book boyfriends. We all have our favorites. Whatever you do, though, take time for yourself and read a book.