Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Release Blitz: Hard to Let Go by Laura Kaye

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We are so excited to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Laura Kaye's HARD TO LET GO! HARD TO LET GO is the 4th novel in Laura's Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Romance. Grab your copy of this sexy, suspenseful book today!!

  Hard to Let Go - cover

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Hard to Let Go on Goodreads

EXCERPT: Taking a deep breath, Beckett knocked on the door. No answer. He turned the knob, and the door opened. “Go away,” came a strained voice. Beckett poked his head through the opening. Kat sat in a ball in the corner, her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms hugging herself tight. “Aw, Jesus, Beckett. Really?” Her face was splotchy and her eyes watery, though he didn’t see any tears. Ten-to-one she was going through some adrenaline letdown right now, too. Which no doubt made it all worse. That shit could fuck you up even when you were used to how it left you feeling drained and shaky, by how all the stress you’d suppressed during the height of the crisis boomeranged twice over after the fact. He came into the room, closed the door, and turned the lock for good measure. And then he crossed to Kat, scooped his arms under her knees and behind her back and lifted her up against him. She smacked his chest. “Put me down.” “No.” He moved to the edge of the bed. “I don’t need this right now, Beckett. Put me down.” “Yes, you do,” he said, sitting on the edge of the mattress. He pulled her face in against his throat and smoothed her hair back from her cheek. She trembled against him, just the littlest bit, her skin hot to the touch. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and hugged her tighter. “You did good, kid.” Every one of her muscles went tight. Her hand fisted in his shirt. And her breath caught as she buried her face against his neck and shoulder. Then Kat burst out crying. And it was like being torn apart and put back together, all at once. He hated her pain, but he adored that she wasn’t hiding herself from him, and that she was letting him be there for her. He didn’t shush her, or try to talk her down, or encourage her to dry her eyes. To be sure, her tears were like daggers in his heart—they hurt like fucking hell. But the only way she was going to feel better was to let this shit out. Ironic realization for him—he did actually see that. But just because you could see what was good for others didn’t mean you had the first goddamned idea how to apply those principles in your own life. And that was a problem for another time anyway. What mattered right now was Kat. What mattered … was Kat. Hard Ink Series Trailer:
About HARD TO LET GO: Beckett Murda hates to dwell on the past. But his investigation into the ambush that killed half his Special Forces team and ended his Army career gives him little choice. Just when his team learns how powerful their enemies are, hard-ass Beckett encounters his biggest complication yet—a seductive, feisty Katherine Rixey. A tough, stubborn prosecutor, Kat visits her brothers’ Hard Ink Tattoo shop following a bad break-up—and finds herself staring down the barrel of a stranger’s gun. Beckett is hard-bodied and sexy as hell, but he’s also the most infuriating man ever. Worse, Kat’s brothers are at war with the criminals her office is investigating. When Kat joins the fight, she lands straight in Beckett’s sights . . . and in his arms. Not to mention their enemies’ crosshairs. Now Beckett and Kat must set aside their differences to work together, because the only thing sweeter than justice is finding love and never letting go.     HTLG Reviews Tease Praise for HARD TO LET GO: “Kaye wraps up her bestselling series with this action-packed story, highlighting her talent for alpha military heroes, hot romance, and an ensemble cast of characters who are unique and engaging. A super sexy, high-octane romantic suspense novel that concludes the popular Hard Ink series in a completely satisfying way.” ~Kirkus Reviews “TOP PICK! Kaye brings her Hard Ink series to a spectacular conclusion that successfully wraps up the overarching mystery and brings closure to her compelling characters. Kaye really nails it with this awesome book and series!” ~RT Book Reviews “HARD TO LET GO will blow you away! Anyone who has been following Laura Kaye’s fantastic Hard Ink series will expect something great for the last book in the series, and to say HARD TO LET GO does not disappoint would be the understatement of the year! Ms. Kaye writes sex scenes like it’s nobody’s business, and the blistering chemistry between Kat and Becket will leave you panting and begging for more! If you expected world-class action in HARD TO LET GO, think again and multiply that by ten! HARD TO LET GO has to be the most explosive conclusion to a series ever! Do not miss it at any cost!” ~Fresh Fiction And don’t miss the other Hard Ink books, now available:

Hard as It gets


Hard as You Can


Hard To Hold On To


Hard To Come By Cover


Hard to Be Good - Cover


  Praise for the Hard Ink Series: "TOP PICK! If you're looking for danger, gritty action, and sizzling passion, then Kaye has just the book and the series for you." ~RT Book Reviews Magazine   HTLG Available Now     Author PhotoAbout Laura Kaye: Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.        

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Release Blitz: Right Next Door by A.J. Pryor

It’s release day for RIGHT NEXT DOOR by A.J. Pryor. I am so excited about this book, and am thrilled to share it with you! A.J. is sharing an exclusive excerpt with us, as well as a fantastic giveaway!! Be sure to check it all out! RightNextDoor RDL Banner
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  RightNextDoor Final[6] About Right Next Door: My fiancé is officially a married man. The only problem is that he isn’t married to me. . . Addison Peacock has been stuck in the same seaside town her entire life. When her college boyfriend proposes the night before graduation, she can finally see the future she’d always dreamt about. But the sudden illness of her father causes her to put that future on hold, and her soon-to-be husband leaves, with nothing but a promise that one day he’ll return. Now, five years later, he’s kept that promise. There’s only one problem . . . he’s already married. Crushed twice by the same man, Addison needs a distraction, someone to get her back on her feet and mend her broken heart. As luck would have it, Damian Walker has just moved in next door. Having rebuilt his own life after a drunk driver stole his career, his heart . . . everything, Damian knows what it’s going to take to get Addison’s life back on track. But he’s not going to be anyone’s rebound. His life is complicated . . . there’s no room for one-night stands. Until Addison knows what she’s looking for, neighbors are all they’ll ever be. One shared wall, two sun-kissed balconies, and a chance at love...a twist of fate. Could the possibility of a future be right next door?   Amazon | BN| iBook | Kobo RND_5 Excerpt: Barreling out of her apartment in black leggings and a white tank that accentuates those perfect breasts I’m thinking this run, may be the death of me. I already want to trail my hands along the smooth curves of her hips and take those tight black pants right off her body. My breath gets shallow as I near her, my body reacting to what she does to me. She seems tense, worried about something as I approach. Her top lip is securely hidden under her straight white bottom teeth and she’s eyeing me as I walk toward her. “Loosen up, Addison. I’m not going to bite.” Running my hand along her ponytail, I give it a slight tug before heading down the stairs, assuming she’ll follow. “Unless of course you ask me to.” I’m at the bottom of the staircase stretching, and she’s still waiting up top. Where’s the playful girl from ten minutes ago? “You coming?” Whatever had been bothering her seems to vanish as she puts her smile back on and bounces down to me. “Not yet,” she mumbles as she descends the stairs. It’s clear she was talking to herself, not realizing that her double meaning was loud and echoing in my own ears. I instantly get a semi erection at the image of those intense eyes glossing over in ecstasy, her lips parted and my name falling off her tongue. Standing close, she places a hand on my shoulder for support as she grabs her foot to stretch. Her head is right under my chin, her soft scent surrounding me. Gently I hold onto her arms and keep her steady as she changes legs. The urge to lean down and kiss her overwhelms me as I hold her delicate shoulders, her bottom lip secure under her front teeth. She’s stunning; her long dark hair is pulled back, her eyes deep in concentration on what she’s doing. I want to tell her how beautiful she is, caught up in this moment with her. The words are on the tip of my tongue when she steps back and pats my ass, taking off at a slow jog. I smile to myself and watch her from behind. Next time she touches my ass, I’m kissing her, no questions asked. She’s keeping up with me stride for stride as we take off down the beach path. Her breath is coming in gasps, and a sheen of sweat has begun beading on her forehead. I’m barely breaking a sweat, but I’ll get my workout in tomorrow morning at the track, or if I’m lucky, maybe tonight between my sheets. Looking down at her from the corner of my eye, I’m happy to see that she’s now more relaxed. “How’s the girlfriend search?” I almost trip on that damn tree root. “In progress.” “That doesn’t answer my question.” She’s having a hard time talking, winded from our pace and I think I should speed us up further so she can’t talk at all. “I’m working on a few prospects at the moment. If any of them pan out I’ll let you know.” She rolls her eyes and I want to throw her in the sand and kiss her, make her forget she asked me a question in the first place. “Do you always run at night?” she asks between labored breaths. What’s with the twenty questions? “No. I’m a morning person.” Her eyes dart in my direction, as a curious look crosses her face. “You have a dirty mind, Green Eyes.” Bumping into me, she argues the topic, barely getting her words out she’s straining so hard. “How do you know,” she takes in a big breath, “what was on my mind?” “Everything you think is written all over your face. And for your information, yes, I love the mornings.” She stops mid-stride and bends over in laughter, her arms across her midsection as she tries to catch her breath. Suddenly she’s in the sand not even trying to get a handle on the giggles erupting from the depth of her gut. Sand is in her hair and sticks to the sweat that’s covering her skin. Her cheeks were already a rosy color and now they’re turning bright red. I sit down beside her, my arms propped up on my knees waiting for her to calm down. When she finally gets a handle on herself, she lies flat on her back and stares up at the sky, her eyes suddenly far away, looking like they’re searching for answers to some unasked question. “My ex was a morning person too. I loved it. It’s quiet outside, and still dark in the bedroom. It’s like a secret time where you feel like you’re the only two people on the planet awake and you’re sharing a piece of yourself with each other. A silent communication that only the two of you can understand.” Unexpected sadness washes over me listening to Addison long for a situation that clearly doesn’t exist in her life anymore. Whoever her ex is must be a real asshole. She deserves better than an asshole. She deserves me. Lost in his thoughts   About the Author:   IMG_5802A.J. Pryor lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two daughters. If not home writing, you can find her at the beach, the yoga studio or the soccer field with her girls. An avid reader of contemporary romance, new adult and young adult novels, her Kindle is always within reach. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara.     https://www.facebook.com/AJPryorauthor?fref=ts   www.twitter.com/ajpryor1   Www.ajpryor.com   Enter A.J.’s giveaway!!  

Monday, June 29, 2015

Reviews: Black Jack Gentleman Series by Liz Crowe

Book Title: Man On. Book 1 in Black Jack Gentleman Series
Author: Liz Crowe
Source: Copy for Review
Release Date: August 10, 2013

Bad boy of European football, Nicolas Garza is about to hit American shores with a vengeance. Signed by the Detroit Black Jack Gentlemen as lynch pin for their expansion club, Nicco only half believes he’s making the right move. But with a past full of ghosts and rotten behavior chasing him from his homeland, he has no real choice.

Parker Rollings is a college soccer superstar, but his parents’ plans for their only son do not include professional athletics. When the Black Jacks approach him to finalize their roster, Parker leaps at the chance to keep playing, leaving behind medical school, stability and his first and only college sweetheart.

Nicco and Parker face off as bitter rivals for a coveted starting spot at midfield and are forced to channel their negative energy into something positive for the sake of the group—and themselves.

All eyes are on the fledgling team in its debut season. It’s crucial that the Black Jacks prove all the doubters wrong. They must make a good showing in the league and with new fans. But player drama, club dynamics, and misplaced priorities may tear it apart before it even begins.

Book Title: Red Card, Book 2 in Series
Author: Liz Crowe
Source: Copy for Review
Release Date: August 2013

Free will makes us human.

Choice makes us individuals.

Love makes us unique.

Metin Sevim has it all. At the pinnacle of international soccer playing success, he has managed to craft a perfect world for himself along the way.

When fate strips him of free will and the ability to choose his own path, he retreats from everyone and everything, destroying his hard-won career in the process.

Dragged back from the brink by his desperate family, Metin reluctantly agrees to coach the Black Jack Gentlemen Detroit soccer team but remains debilitated by memories and loss. When a surprising friendship emerges, it renews his passion for life, providing much needed solace… and extreme complications.

A saga of family dynamics and gender politics that cuts across cultures and circumstance, Red Card illustrates the human capacity for forgiveness through the life of one man as he attempts to rebuild his shattered existence.

Book Title: Shut Out
Author: Liz Crowe
Source: Copy for Review
Release date: September 2013

A submissive once, a submissive forever?

A man on the run from the only life he’s ever known, Brody Vaughn is poised to accept the Black Jack Gentleman’s newly vacant goalkeeper’s position. It’s a desperate move, but one he must take to regain his emotional equilibrium. Reeling from his Mistress’s rejection and on the ragged edge of a total breakdown, he arrives in Detroit. Numb with thinly veiled grief, he walks into the club’s front office completely unaware that an encounter with true destiny awaits him.

Sophie Harrison has seen it all--as Domme, sub, and victim. Now that her complicated circumstances have landed her as legal counsel for the expansion Black Jacks team, she holds herself aloof in body and spirit. Nothing and no one gets past her fiercely guarded walls. Until the day she looks up to greet the new goalie standing in her doorway, his raw combination of vulnerability and strength making her breathless.

Two people, horribly scarred by the excesses of the BDSM lifestyle and hiding from their true selves, meet across a desk over a simple contract. All bets are off.

Each of these books is a quick read. They all have the same base plot revolving around the Black Jack Soccer team and its players. But each story differs from teh previous with a subplot revolving around one or more of the characters. 

Man On, the first book in the series, introduces us to the team, and also the main characters for the book, Parker and Nicco.  Nicco is the bad boy of Soccer, and found his way onto the Black Jacks because it had become his only option if he wanted to continue the game.  But What Nicco really needs is to figure out his life and work on  himself.  Parker gave up everything in his life to continue with his dream, to be a pro-soccer player.  He's also coming to terms with other things in his life. 

Parker and Nicco had a lot of struggles, both individually and together.  Their story wasn't always easy, but it was real, and it showed a lot of changes and growth for both of them.  There were also a few twists, I did not see coming which added an alternative angle to the overall story and made it richer. 

Red Card, book two in the series, took a way different turn from book one.  First it took us back to before parts of book one to give us the full story.   Red Card is so many things, its a story of second chances, both for people and relationships. It's an emotionally charged story of picking up the pieces after your life has been shattered and you find yourself wondering if there is anything left to live for. 

Metin suffered devestating losses and lost himself to booze and drugs, but an unlikely person finally draws him out of himself and gets him to clean up his act and try to find a way to carry on.  Moving to the states and taking over as Coach is just the start to turning things around. 

Melanie hasn't had an easy life, and she's not always the nicest of persons. But something forces her to put aside her personal feelings and attempt to get Metin back on a respectable path.  It was hard for me to like Melanie because of her behaviors in the book from the past and present parts of the story. It really took most of the book for her to grow on me.  I understood, in a way, why she was the way she was, but it felt a bit excessive at times and things she did just made me mad.  

In the end, Metin and Melanie are able to work things out and I was happy to see him get a Happy ending. 

Shut Out is book 3 in the series. Again we find ourselves with a different set of characters, not just in name, but in personalities and the sub plot changes.  

Sophie is working as part of the legal team for the Black Jacks and in doing so she meets with lots of the teams players while going over contracts or other legal necessities.  She's also got a secret second job.  Sophie has has been through a lot and her past has shaped her into who she is.  

Brody is struggling to get over changes in his life, the most prominent being the loss of his partner, though she was more than that.  He sees something in Sophie though and the two have an almost instant connection. 

Since they've both been through heartbreaking struggles, its takes a while for them to really open themselves up.  There are a lot of things that happened in this story that bothered me, either made me confused, angry, or just left feeling emotionally raw.  I like when a book can pull strong emotions out of me, but I was also happy to find some sort of resolution at the end. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sale Blitz: Braid of Tongues by Monica David

   What if your perfectly contented life was suddenly turned upside down and you were forced to face a decision you never imagined you’d have to? Ariane Reis has a husband who loves her, a young son and a cosy family routine. When she starts a new job, she has no idea she is about to embark on a scorching sensory journey of eroticism and self-discovery that will irrevocably alter her life.

   Luka Volkov is a smart and unnervingly intense Russian on her team. He is young, sharp and insatiable. He doesn’t just seduce her body. He seduces her mind and the very essence of her being. Despite the emotional angst she finds herself in, Ariane must fight to get through the impossible task of untangling love from lust, or risk losing everything she holds dear. 
   A story both delightful and heartbreaking about regular people in unanticipated circumstances. 

   Warning: This book contains explicit sex scenes and should not be read by 

people under 18.

Monica David was born in Zimbabwe but she grew up in Portugal, by the sea.
She has been living in London for nearly two decades, initially on and off in between travels and now permanently with her family.
Monica loves to read, photograph and travel. 
She values kindness, honesty and a good sense of humour.

Some unusual things she's done:

Walked on blazing hot coals with bare feet, walked what was the highest Canopy walk in the world at the time, jumped off a bridge in Victoria Falls, rafted the grade 5 Nile and swallowed half of it in Uganda, did microlighting dressed as a marshmallow, scubadived in Zanzibar, worked with street kids in Angola, drank tea with fishermen in Morocco while her clothes dried after being washed in the sea, crossed the Sahara in a convoy peeing behind the truck in order to preserve her limbs, toured around Europe with a play, trekked to find mountain gorillas in Rwanda, played with lion and cheetah cubs, rode horseback in a water race and skydived in Namibia between the deep blue sea and the red earth.

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Blog Tour & Review: Relinquish by M.N. Forgy

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relinquish it's live.jpg

Are you ready to meet Landon Blackwell?

**Can be read as a stand alone**

relinquish cover.jpg

***WARNING*** This novel contains explicit language, sex, drugs, violence, and sexual situations that some might find offensive. This book is intended for adults 18+ years of age.

In my world, there is no such thing as love. It is just a lie we whisper into our client’s ear. Love is foreign and hazardous. What I did not expect was to bare my soul to a man who is as egotistical as he is dangerous.
His name is Landon. Despite his blackened soul, he tried to save me, but what he didn't expect was my torturous fate to catch up with me.
To your father, I'm the escort.
To your mother, I'm the whore.
To the legal system, I'm the prostitute.
In the end, I'm just the other woman.
I have no idea if I will continue to survive, if I will ever find my path aside from the gritty streets I know so well. There is a good chance I will wind up in the ditch like most women in my position. Surrendering to my fate is the only choice I have. I must relinquish it all.

relinquish teaser tour.png
Excerpt #1 (New to Tour)
Following Jayden across the way, I skim the crowd at the café and land on a pair of handsome eyes. So handsome, I stop walking.
Sitting at a table full of sexy men is a short, blond-haired guy, his face hard and chiseled. My God, his arms are pumped with muscle as his hands flex around a brown football. My core blossoms with incredible need as I eye his toned arms, and what I assume is a matching hard chest beneath his jersey.
“Charlie, let’s go!”Jayden yells, making me realize I’ve been standing here like an idiot, staring at a sexy stranger in a café. The guy smirks at me and tosses the football in the air, breaking eye contact.
I tuck my hair behind my ear, giving a small smile in return before walking forward. I suddenly crash into something, the impact throwing me back on my ass hard.
“Shit!”I shout with pain.
“Fuck!”roars a male voice standing above me. My eyes jolt upward to find a broad-shouldered man in a black suit, holding a broken plastic cup in one hand with coffee spilled all down his front.  My stomach tangles into a bundle of tight knots, and my hands tremble from the strength and power this man radiates. Oh, shit.
“I am so sorry!”I stand up and start frantically brushing at the man’s very expensive-looking suit. My God, it’s like rubbing a rock. His body is so toned and strong beneath my palms, which isn’t helping me get a grip on myself. My eyes skirt up his arms, finding the fabric stretched tight around his biceps and causing me to swallow the lump forming in my throat. The knots in my stomach crawl into a fit of butterflies, and my heart races. He’s handsome—intimidating, really. The way his toned body and squared shoulders take up the space takes my breath away. His jaw is chiseled to perfection with scruff claiming it perfectly. I bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning.
“It’s fine, really,”he states, his voice deep as he grabs my wrists to stop me from slapping at his stained shirt pathetically. My body sparks with electricity where he grips me firmly. My mouth parts and my breathing shallows as I slowly trail my eyes from his hold on my wrist to his eyes. They’re green with little brown flecks thrown around them. They’re captivating. His jawline is strong and defined, his nose broad, and his dark hair is smoothed back with just a trail hanging loosely out of place on the front of his forehead from our sudden run-in. He’s fucking gorgeous, and I can’t look away.
“Are you all right?”he questions, raising an eyebrow. His voice is low and rough, making my eyes focus on his mouth.
“I-”I stutter, completely lost in the thought of his luscious lips on mine. These lips are not like any belonging to the guys at my high school, that’s for sure. When you look at them, his lips look like they’re made to make love to a woman’s body. The thoughts of the glorious pleasure they could bring make my cheeks warm, my chest ache.
“Charlie, let’s go!”Jayden hollers, catching mine and Sexy Man In a Suit’s attention.
“That your friend?”he asks, his lips that hold the perfect cupid’s bow turn into a slight smirk.
I open my mouth to speak but a wild hiccup noise escapes instead, caused from the wild beat of my heart against my chest. I close my eyes, humiliated.
He chuckles, releasing his hold of my wrists. The way he laughs causes my skin to rise with goose bumps.
“I gotta go,”I whisper nervously. I look down and stride quickly toward Jayden, praying I don’t bump into any more hot men on the way.
“Lord, give me strength. Vegas is already becoming a bad influence,”I mutter, catching up with Jayden.
relinquish teaser 2 tour.png

My Review:

Relinquish is one of those stories that takes a little while to pull you in, wondering what is coming, and what has happened in the past.  But once you are sucked in, you have to finish the story.  
Charlie hasn't had an easy life, she doesn't quite know what happened to her mother, and she hasn't had the greatest time in foster care so when she strikes out on her own she's sort of in a new world. 
Landon is stuckin a position, he wants but doesn't, trying to make good on a promise he made to his mother.  But its difficult to keep up with the promise when he can't help but feel his connection to Charlie deeply.  Unfortuantely acting on  that connection can blow all things in his life to hell. 
Relinquish has a few twists in store for the readers, though you know something is coming, its hard to grasp exactly what the big reveal is.  The story sort of spirals at one point and you are unsure exactly what is going to happen for all of the characters.  
In the end, Landon and Charlie have much to work out between themselves if they want to make a lasting relationship and they have a lot to settle wtih the people around them too, but they seem to have the holding power to make it work.  

About the Author:
m.n. forgy bio.jpg
M.N. Forgy was raised in Missouri where she still lives with her family. She's a soccer mom by day and a saucy writer by night. M.N. Forgy started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story. So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.

Stalk Her:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads