Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Blog Tour: Labors of a Hero by Billie Dale

Today we have the blog tour for Labors of a Hero by Billie Dale. Check it out and grab your copy of this great new romance today!

Title: Labors of a Hero

Author: Billie Dale

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Labors of a Hero:

The only good my parents gave me is my name, Hercules. I turned zero possibility into firefighting hero. Now life’s pretty simple. After all, with classic good looks, I'm one of Farawayville's most eligible bachelors. But when a sassy little ER nurse enters my life, everything gets a lot more complicated. My new goal? To get into her heart, and her pants. She challenges me with 12, yes 12, labors to prove I’m worthy of her time. The quest of a lifetime, for one freaking date seems ridiculous. But one look in those eyes, and I'm all in, and hellbent in turning one date into forever. *Inspired by Hercules **Each book in The Fairytale Fantasy Series is a stand alone romantic comedy with slap stick humor and holy moly craziness.

Get Your Copy Today:

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It’s not the stunning view of nature catching my eye, it’s the exquisite head of dark chestnut hair with a smooth pony tail hanging down the center of the light skin of her shoulders. She’s sitting on the pier, the skirt of her deep blue sundress pooling on her thighs while she swings her bare feet in the water tossing bread crumbs to some ducks floating in front of her. 

I lean near Peg’s ear, “quiet girl, lets sneak up on her,” she nods in response and I swear rises on the tips of her hoofs slinking near the dock. Demon dog with three heads is sleeping at Megs back, two heads hear our approach, but Pegasus flicks her ears and they sulk back down. 

Some days I swear I’ve entered the Twilight Zone with these animals and their abilities. I’ve learned it’s best not to question but to chalk it up to another of the strange and unusual in Farawayville. 

A few quacks blend with the burbling sound of her feet making light splashes. We creep as close as we can get, I drop from the horse continuing to ease toward her. I approach with stealth, squatting I reach out a hand to lower one strap of her dress allowing my mouth access to all her delicate skin. My mind plots a sexy attack where I lean her back on the wooden slats, slide off her panties and feast on the sugar between her thighs. A steel rod forms behind the metal teeth of my zipper, totally on board with my plan.  

Seconds before my fantasy becomes a reality the radio on my hip, the one I forgot to turn down, gives a shrill pulsing tone. Raja jumps to his paws slapping Meg on the back, she squeals before tipping off the deck into the water. Three snarling heads jerk my way knocking me on my ass and the ducks who happily munched on bread scatter to avoid Meg. 

Other Stand-Alones in the Fairytale Fantasy Series:

Never After: (A Snow White Inspired Romantic Comedy)

Not So Wicked (A Maleficent Inspired Romantic Comedy)

Change Your Fate (A Brave Inspired Romantic Comedy) Coming 2019

About Billie Dale:

 Billie Dale lives in no-where middle earth. Lost in a small village in the Midwest with four kids, three animals and an amazing, word inspiring book boyfriend worthy husband. A blogger by nature and a writer because she got tired of arguing with the voices in her head. She loves and lives the words on the page, whether writing them or reading them her life is consumed by the worlds her head creates. Her greatest wish is that readers will fall in love with her words as much as she loves writing them and as much as she loves reading others. She loves to create new worlds to explore and loves to write words that will take root in you soul. Paranormal, New Adult, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary — there is not one box she fits in. She’s a rebel in the author world who writes what her head tells her even it jumps from genre to genre.  

Connect with Billie:

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