Thursday, December 4, 2014

Review And Giveaway: Collide by J.C. Hannigan

Title: Collide
Author: J.C. Hannigan
Release Date: July 26, 2014
Source: ARC from author

Collide is on a special price sale right now for the release of book 2 Consumed, snag it up for only 99 cents!  But hurry, the low price won't last long.

Buy Links:
Amazon ~ Kobo ~ Goodreads


Harlow Jones has a troubled past, and a questionable future. Surrounded by death, tragedy, and intrigue, she is forced to mature long before her time. Plagued by anxiety and depression, she hides her inner turmoil with spite and sarcasm. Her thick skin is impenetrable. That is…until she becomes involved with her grade 12 English teacher.

A few Teasers for you: 

Don't forget to check out the COLLIDE book trailer:

My Review:  *Spoiler Free* 

I have to say that Forbidden love stories are sort of one of my favorite tropes.  There's just something extra exciting about the notion that so much can go wrong and the risks of being caught. I also like when characters have flaws, they just make a much more emotional story. So when I read the synopsis, I was already half in love with this story just for the premise alone.  

Harlow Jones is a great character, She's Bold and Sassy and pretty much takes no crap.  She's dealing with a stormy past and trying to face her new life with her mother's new marraige and the changes it's brought to her. Harlow is a typical recalcitrant teen on some levels and on others, she's not a typical teenager at all. Harlow has been through a lot of things in her life and each event has taken its toll on her in some way, shaped her into the Woman-child she is at 17 years old.

Iain Bentley is Harlow's english teacher, this is his first year teaching, so he's doesn't put out that "dirty old man" vibe some other teachers do. He's a man who wants to do what's right and fair, but he stands no chance in this case.   There is an istant insistent draw between the two from their first meeting and every day following. 

I loved that this book didn't take the typical route of Teacher/Student relationships and be all coy and pushign away turning long and drawn out.  Harlow started out from day one pushing her luck and not holding back when it came to Iain.  I felt her pull towards him and though it wasn't what most would call normal, it felt real and right for Harlow.

With Collide, you dive right into the storyline and the feelings hit you full force.  I couldn't put this book down, I had to finish it in one sitting because I just had to know what was coming next and I had to see if and when someone was going to catch on to what was happening between Harlow and Iain.

I can't wait to read more of Harlow's story in Consumed and see where it takes us.


Consumed continues Harlow's story and is due to release December 15, 2014, BUT you have a chance to win an early ARC copy right here.  Just follow the steps on the rafflecopter.

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