Monday, April 30, 2018

Release Blitz: Lyric by Molly McAdams


A stand-alone romance novel in the Rebel series – a Redemption series spin-off

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Molly McAdams delivers the first captivating, stand-alone novel in her REDEMPTION series spin-off—the REBEL series . . . 
I’m not the kind of girl you forget.  
I wish I was.  
I wish I was normal.  
That I could blend into a crowd. Have a future with the man I’ve loved my entire life… 
Maxon James understands me in a way others can’t. 
For as long as I can remember, he’s vowed that one day he would claim my wild, rebel heart. God knows I wanted him to try. I wanted the life he promised me in his lyrics. 
But his assurances couldn’t change the past, and the infamous mafia blood in my veins guarantees my heart can’t be claimed. 
Somewhere along the way, I slipped. I let myself believe we could have it all. Now a dark, menacing shadow hovers between us, mocking us for daring to hope for a normal future.  
And it’s come to collect on a blood oath.  
My name’s Elizabeth Borello—Libby for short. Don’t worry about forgetting it… He hasn’t. 



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Molly grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband, daughter, and fur babies. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach … which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and fried pickles, and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm ... or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

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Cover Reveal: Tuck Me In Tight by Jennifer Rebecca


  Today we have the cover reveal for Tuck Me In Tight by Jennifer Rebecca! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today:

Title: Tuck Me In Tight Author: Jennifer Rebecca Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Day: May 28th Cover by Alyssa Garcia at Uplifting Designs.

  About Tuck Me In Tight

 George Washington Township, New Jersey has been relatively quiet ever since it was turned upside down following a high profile kidnapping. During the lull in excitement Detective Claire Goodnite has enjoyed being in the love bubble with the sexy SAIC Wesley O’Connell.   Never fully believing that she was capable of a committed relationship—with Wes or with anyone—leaves Claire feeling undeserving of the elusive happily ever after. She has never let herself enjoy what was within her grasp . . .   Until a string of murdered women dressed and posed like sleeping dolls shakes the very foundation of everything Claire thought she knew. Particularly when the only connection to be found between the three victims is the man who finally stole her heart for keeps, Wes.   But it’s like she always said, she’s bad at love.      

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Exclusive Excerpt:

This is how my heart breaks

What. The. Fuck. I had sat down at my desk and opened the manila envelope that was left on top of my stack of mail. It had seemed harmless enough. But it wasn’t. I blink my eyes over and over trying to make my brain process what it’s seeing but I can’t. I can’t unsee the images in the stack of pictures in my hand. Giant glossy eight by tens from different angles so there is absolutely no doubt that my heart is breaking. And it is broken. It’s not just broken, it’s shattered. “It’s not what it looks like,” I hear from over my shoulder and I have to grit my teeth to keep from screaming. I shuffle the pictures sliding the top one to the back of the stack so that I can see the next in the row. This one is zoomed in. His head is tipped back and his face is distorted in both lust and passion as she straddles his lap. Her hands hold his to her breasts and I can see the play of tendons flex through them as he grips them tight. It was only two nights ago that his hands were on my own breasts much the same way as I rode his cock on the sofa. “Claire, did you hear me?” he asks but I shuffle the stack again. In this picture, he has his arms wrapped around her back and he’s pulling her close, her breasts mashed up against his strong chest. Her hands with long, red painted talons press in on either side of his face and as they kiss hungrily, their mouths open as their tongues tangle. “Goddamnit, Claire! Did you hear me?” My spine turns to steal. “I did. I’m just choosing to ignore you,” I respond coolly. “Don’t do this, baby,” he pleads. “I’m not the one who did anything,” I snap. “I can explain.” But I’m not interested in listening to him plead a case where he is more than guilty. “I’m going to need you to leave, Wes.” “No.” “This changes everything,” I say so softly even I struggle to hear the words that are coming out of my mouth. “This changes nothing! Fuck that, Claire,” he yells. “You want to run away. You have always wanted to run away. And here is your fucking reason served up to you on a goddamn silver platter.” Everyone around us in the bullpen is doing everything they can to make it appear that they are not listening, not studying the tragic demise of Claire and Wes with rapt attention, but we all know that they are. “No,” I shout back as I throw the stack of glossy betrayal down on top of my desk as I push my rolly chair back and stand. It slams into the desk behind mine. “You do not get to come in here, where I work, and tell me that I am to blame for your bullshit.” “Okay,” he says quickly as he holds his hands up in surrender. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I can see you need time.” “I need a lot of things. One of them is definitely distance.” “I don’t know if I can give you that. I can’t lose you, baby.” His words burn hot behind my eyes and the last thing I want is for the other guys in the bullpen to see me cry. “You should have thought about that before you fooled around with that stripper.” “Claire—” he starts but I don’t let him finish. “You need to go now,” I say softly. I stand with my feet apart, my hands on my hips, and my head bowed as if I’m waiting for a blow. But I see him clearly even if only in my peripheral. He looks at me and opens his mouth as if he’s going to try to explain again. Something in my stance must have told him it was a losing battle because he snaps his mouth closed before moving towards the exit. Wes pauses just before opening the door to turn and look back at me, I see him in my peripheral, but I’m looking at his lies and deceit spread across my desk for all to see. He pulls open the door and then slams it on his way out. I’m Detective Claire Goodnite and this is how my heart breaks.    

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About the Author:

Jennifer is a thirty something lover of words, all words: the written, the spoken, the sung (even poorly), the sweet, the funny, and even the four letter variety. She is a native of San Diego, California where she grew up reading the Brownings and Rebecca with her mother and Clifford and the Dog who Glowed in the Dark with her dad, much to her mother’s dismay. Jennifer is a graduate of California State University San Marcos where she studied Criminology and Justice Studies. She is also an Alpha Xi Delta. 10 years ago, she was swept off her feet by her very own sailor. Today, they are happily married and the parents of a 8 year old and 6 year old twins. She can often be found in East Texas on the soccer fields, drawing with her children, or reading. Jennifer is convinced that if she puts her fitbit on one of the dogs, she might finally make her step goals. She loves a great romance, an alpha hero, and lots and lots of laughter.

Twitter: @JenniRLreads

Instagram: @JenniRLreads


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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Blog Tour: Blood Type by K.A. Linde



A startling new vision of paranormal romance: When a human ventures into the world of vampires—a decadent milieu of blood-bonds and betrayal—she discovers that not all is what it seems. For Reyna Carpenter, giving up her body isn’t a choice. It’s survival. In a civilization laid waste by poverty and desperation, Reyna accepts a high-paying position with the wealthy and hungry vampire elite. Her new job is as the live-in blood escort for the intimidating, demanding, and devilishly handsome Beckham Anderson. He’s everything she expected from a vampire, except for one thing—he won’t feed off her. Reyna soon discovers that behind Beckham’s brooding, wicked façade lies a unique and complex man. And that, in a dark and divided world, she is more valuable than she ever would have believed. For with each passing night, Reyna can’t shake the sensation that it’s Beckham who’s afraid of her. Note: Reyna and Beckham’s story continues in Blood Match. ADD TO GOODREADS  


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 That was the moment Beckham appeared in the doorway like a storm cloud. Reyna straightened in her seat at the expression on his face. He walked across the room like a tightly coiled spring ready to explode. “Ah Beckham, there you are,” Harrington said. “Excuse me, William. I need to speak with Reyna. Alone.” She hastened out of her seat and followed him around the corner. He tugged her straight through the kitchens, out the back door, down a corridor, and into a dead end. Then her back was slammed against the brick wall. His fist connected with the wall behind her, and she felt the wall shudder. Debris floated onto her shoulders. “You left,” he growled. “I . . .” “No.” He pressed his finger to her lips roughly. She stopped breathing and just stared up into his eyes as dark as night. Her body trembled under the feral stare. “You left without me.” The silence was weighted. All she could do was sit with their bodies nearly touching. His finger on her mouth. Her mind wandering to hellacious places. “You are my subject. Can you imagine what it was like when I found you missing? When you turned up with three of my kind?” She shook her head minutely. He bared his teeth to her, and she shrank back. “These are meant to drink your blood. To drink you dry until there is nothing left of your body but a dry corpse. We are killers. We don’t hesitate. Just because we’re wearing suits and seem more like you . . . does not mean we are like you. We are not like you. They especially are not like you. The only way you get to the top of Visage is to be fucking ruthless, Reyna. Do you understand?” “You’re . . . scaring me,” she whispered. “Good.”        


Blood Type dives us into the unique world of vampires and Humans K.A. Linde has created and what an interesting world it is.  

Reyna finds herself in a hard place, needing a job so she can help what little family she has left maintain a livelihood of any means finds her at the last place she expected to work Visage- as a blood escort for vampires.  In an unexpected turn though, Reyna, is employed to a permanent position with one vampire, an elite one at that.  Reyna is an interesting character, she's go against her fears, against the worries of her siblings into an unknown world because she wants to do her part and she wants a good life.  She has no idea what she's getting into by accepting this position, but life is about to change in many ways. 

Beckham is one of those characters that you have to peel back layers on to get the real man. He's stern and comes off as a jerk at first, but the truth is there is so much more to him and his behavior.  I loved peeling back those layers and finding the man inside the monster. 

Blood Type has that slow burn feel to it, but in addition to that, there's a layer of suspense, an air of mystery that drags you in and makes you question well pretty much everything.  This story will grab you and compel you to keep reading,  if you are like me you will find yourself unable to set it down, needing to read the next chapter, then the next until you've gobbled it all up and are left still thinking about it and wanting more. 

K.A. Linde has created a neat spin on the paranormal world of Vampires and I can't wait to see where she takes us next with Beckham and Reyna and the rest of this world. 


Reyna Carpenter and Beckham Anderson return in the exhilarating follow-up to the provocative paranormal romance Blood Type. ✦ Amazon US Amazon UKiBooksB&NKoboGoogle PlayADD TO GOODREADS     Amazon USAmazon UKiBooksB&NKoboGoogle Play ADD TO GOODREADS             KylaK.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of more than fifteen novels including the Avoiding series and the Record series. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, geeking out over Star Wars, binge-watching Supernatural, and dancing in her spare time. She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super adorable puppies.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Cover Reveal: Beginnings by J.O. Mantel


Today we have the cover reveal for J. O Mantel’s BEGINNINGS! Check out the gorgeous cover and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: Beginnings

Author: J. O Mantel

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: May 17th

About Beginnings:

Ashford Tanner. Handsome, and with a burgeoning career in law, Ash has the world at his feet and his relentless drive and ambition are finally paying off. But, dealing with an overbearing and demanding employer can be challenging, even for a man like Ash, especially when trying to juggle work and a relationship. When a multi-million dollar case forces Ash and his boss to Paris for an indefinite stay, his entire life is turned upside down.   Gabriela Devereaux. In Paris, Ash finally meets his match. Gabriela is the epitome of grace and femininity and he is instantly awed by her unparalleled beauty. A tragic accident and an unexpected encounter will bring shockwaves to Ash and his new love. Will he get a second chance at happiness?


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About the Author:

J.O Mantel was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. As a child, J.O loved reading and his favourite authors include, Roald Dahl, Robin Klein, and Morris Gleitzman. J.O began writing in 2016 and released his first novel, First Crush in the Dark Falkon Series that same year. J.O lives a quiet life on a rural property in Melbourne's Northern Suburbs. While writing part time, J.O also works as a full time retail manager.  

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Release Blitz: Weather the Strom by LK Farlow

Title: Weather the Storm
Series: The Southern Roots Series
Author: LK Farlow
Genre: NA/Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 26, 2018

Allyson - “I've said it before and I'll say it again.. Kate's books just keep getting better! This is her best book yet and I'm cannot wait to get more from her!”
Dani Fuselier - “I’m blown away by her talent and want everyone to read this amazing story.”
Joy Novel Thoughts - “Weather the Storm is L.K. Farlow's best work yet! Simon and Magnolia stole my heart from the first page and never let go!”

Magnolia Ellington is all too aware that dangerous things can come in shiny packages. Her husband made sure to teach her that.
Desperate to escape his wrath—and his fists—she flees in the dark of night. Seeking safety and shelter with the only family she has left, Magnolia finds herself in the sleepy, Southern town of Dogwood—and in the arms of Simon McAllister.
Simon has always been more of a thinker than a doer. That changes the minute he meets shy and mysterious Magnolia. She has him rushing into action, ready and willing to do whatever it takes to earn her trust.
Slowly, with his steadfast determination and kind heart, Simon brings Magnolia out of her shell. But just as things start heating up between the two of them, the darkness of Magnolia’s past resurfaces, threatening to rip apart everything they’ve worked so hard for.
With their future hanging in the balance, Simon fears he’s losing Magnolia. Now, he must convince her that, together, they can weather the storm.
I jolt awake, momentarily disoriented by the rhythmic beeping coming from my right. Beep. Beep. Beep. Again and again, the sound causes my temples to throb. Even though my eyes are still pinched closed, I know this is not my room, and I am not in my bed. Without warning, the events that led me here flash through my mind: hitting Simon’s truck and the subsequent ambulance ride. I remember the CT scan, and being given pain medication. I must have fallen asleep shortly after that. 

I inhale deeply, trying to get my bearings, and cringe at the smell of antiseptic hanging in the air. God, I hate hospitals. 

Slowly, I try to blink my eyes open, only to immediately close them again. Whimpering at the brightness of the room, I sink farther into the small, firm mattress before steeling my resolve to try again. 

I peel one lid open and hold it, adjusting, before peeling the other open as well. “So bright,” I whine to myself, squinting up at the light above me. My head feels like an entire drumline has taken it as their practice space; the thrumming and pounding is incessant. 

With all the strength I can muster, I roll my head to face the far wall of the small hospital room, only to startle at the sight of the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on sleeping in the chair in the corner, his light-brown hair messy, his chiseled jaw covered in stubble. “S-Simon?” I whisper, more to myself than to him. 

All the same, he jolts like someone took a live wire to his skin. “You’re up?” He lunges from the chair toward me, gently taking my hand in his, scanning my body before bringing his deep-blue eyes to mine. “Are you—fuck, you have no idea how happy I am to see those baby-blue eyes right now. Let me call for your doctor.” 

He starts to withdraw his hand from mine, and I let out the most pathetic whimper, halting him. “Don’t go,” I beg. 

“Not going anywhere. Just gonna hit the call button,” he assures me, leaving me feeling foolish, even though that wasn’t his intention.


Weather the Storm is Book 3 in LK Farlow's series, but I feel it can definitely stand on its own if you haven't read the other books yet.  

Weather the storm is a book with a wounded heroine, one who keeps her demons secret  and is trying to survive making a new life for herself and a man who wants to be the one who provides her safety and comfort.   The journey of Magnolia and Simon takes us through emotional hurdles, risks and more importantly a love that is worth holding on to. 

Simon is a good guy, you know that from the start. He's loyal to his friends, he's nice, he's also really attracted to Magnolia, but he recognizes she's hiding parts of herself even if he doesn't know why. When she's hurt at the start of the page, he goes all in, trying to show her she can trust him in all ways, and depend on his help.  

Magnolia is a strong woman, but vulnerable. She is the sort to love wholly and deeply and take her hurts and pain to her very soul.  She's good at hiding, at keeping to herself. 

Weather the Storm was full of romantic moments, but also had the added drama and suspense of knowing what could be lurking in the shadows and trying to anticipate how things would play out and if the good would win.  

LK Farlow (A.K.A Kate) is a small town girl with a love for words. She’s been writing stories and poems for as long she can remember. A Southern girl through and through, Kate resides in beautiful, sunny LA—that’s Lower Alabama, y’all—with her amazing husband and three wonderful children. When she’s not writing, you can find her snuggled up on the couch watching nature documentaries while she crochets or with her nose in a book. All Kate really wants in this life is her family happy, strong coffee, a good book and more Happily Ever After’s.